Results: 167

For: hospital admissions

Nuffield Trust offers an insight into the costs of end of life care


This report from the Nuffield Trust is an important addition to the literature base on end of life care as it attempts to quantify the costs involved in end of life care, from the perspectives of the various services involved.  Although there are limitations to the cost estimates, which are explicitly acknowledged, the findings will [read the full story…]

Learning Disability National Audit – feasibility study and recommendations and future plans

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The results of the feasibility study into a national clinical audit of learning disabilities was published last month. Here we consider the findings and the response from NHS England

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Premature deaths of people with learning disabilities – reflections on Department of Health progress report

DH progress on CIPOLD

The Government progress report on the Confidential Inquiry into Premature Deaths of People with Learning Disabilities was published last week. In this blog, Pauline Heslop and colleagues who wrote the original Confidential Inquiry, reflect on the progress that has been made and what still needs to be done.

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Be nice to patients and they will get better? Therapeutic alliance and service user satisfaction


John Baker reviews a recent cross-sectional study of the relationship between therapeutic alliance and service user satisfaction in mental health inpatient wards and crisis house alternatives.

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Mental disorders after critical illness: depression, PTSD and functional disability in survivors of intensive care


The BRAIN-ICU prospective cohort study published in the Lancet Respiratory Medicine looks at mental health outcomes and functional disabilities in a general ICU population. It explores the hypothesis that depressive symptoms after discharge are more often somatic (i.e. bodily complaints) than cognitive-affective (i.e. thought-related and mood-related complaints).

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Multimorbidity – NICE guidance scoping consultation

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Get involved in the NICE scoping consultation on multimorbidities. Today’s post is a little different in nature – rather than bringing you the evidence, we are asking you to get involved in helping to shape it. NICE are in the process of defining the scope of their guidelines on multimorbidity (a combination of two or [read the full story…]

Joint crisis plans: cost-effective for whom?


Chris Sampson looks at the economic outcomes of a recent RCT of joint crisis plans to reduce compulsory treatment for people with psychosis. The study reports the potential for gains specifically among Black patients.

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Lifetime risk of treated mental disorders


This new study concludes that approximately one-third of the Danish population will receive treatment in secondary care for a mental disorder across their lifetime. Should we be talking about 1 in 3, rather than 1 in 4?

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Challenges in respecting autonomy in end-of-life care of people with learning disabilities


Autonomy is defined as the freedom to determine one’s own actions or behaviour. It is a value at the heart of health and social care support and those supporting people with learning disabilities are constantly striving to maintain and indeed increase the autonomy of those they provide help to. The authors of this Netherlands based [read the full story…]

BMA sets out actions for ‘parity of esteem’ in learning disability health outcomes


During her presidency of the BMA, Professor Sheila Hollins has hosted a number of seminars on issues faced by vulnerable groups in the NHS, one of which looked at the issues facing people with learning disabilities. This report by the BMA Board of Science aims to move towards ‘parity of esteem’, a term which is [read the full story…]