This Irish study looks at variations in the provision and correlates of respite breaks to families in the republic. Short breaks support family carers and demand for them often exceeds supply meaning that authorities have to ration the number and length of breaks available. The study team analysed Irish National data on the use of [read the full story…]
The uptake for breast mammography remains low for women with learning disabilities, despite a number of policy developments and guidelines in recent years. This study set out to understand better the experiences of women with learning disabilities undergoing breast mammography. The study team worked with four focus groups involving 19 women identified as having a [read the full story…]
This article reflects on the protection of those deemed vulnerable reporting a research study in which the views of staff relating to vulnerability and abuse of adults with learning disabilities were explored. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore perspectives of staff in order to construct a detailed analysis of interpretations of the terms ‘vulnerability’ and [read the full story…]