I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by some of the recent coverage in the press and on TV about mental illness at work. TV adverts have highlighted the difference individuals can make by talking openly about mental health in the workplace and there are a number of destigmatising campaigns underway by Time To Change and others.
This is a hot topic because recent surveys have shown that stress is now the biggest cause of long-term sickness absence in the UK, and work is the main cause of stress, having overtaken money worries and relationship problems.
Mind have been working with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development to produce a resource that managers can use to support their employees who are experiencing mental health issues.
The pack contains:
Information, practical advice and templates to help managers facilitate conversations about stress and mental health problems and put in place support so employees can stay well and in work – meaning they perform at their best for the business while the employer retains talent and expertise.
You can grab a free copy of the 40-page guide from the Mind website. You’ll have to register to download the CIPD survey, but that’s free as well.
Managing and supporting mental health at work: disclosure tools for managers (PDF). Mind, Dec 2011.
Absence management survey 2011. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2011.
What do you think of the NHS Choices section on stress-busting?
The Mental Elf