Results: 87

For: employment

Key facts and trends in UK mental health: new fact sheet from the NHS Confederation

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The NHS Confederation Mental Health Network have updated their publication on key facts and trends in mental health. The 8-page PDF contains information about the prevalence of mental disorders, employment and housing, stigma and discrimination, current NHS spending, service activity, quality, safety and user experience. Here are some of the headlines: The largest increase in [read the full story…]

Early intervention helps reduce depression and long-term sickness absence in office workers

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This randomised controlled trial from Maastricht University in The Netherlands examines how well early intervention can help prevent long-term sickness absence and major depression among office workers who are at high risk of taking time off work with mild to severe depressive complaints. Researchers recruited 139 employees working in an office environment, all of whom were at [read the full story…]

Range of factors impact on employment decisions by people with learning disabilities


The researchers in this USA study set out to find out about the factors that shape employment-related decisions of people with learning disabilities. Working with a co-researcher with learning disabilities throughout the whole research process, they carried out qualitative interviews with people themselves, their family members and employment-support professionals from four community provider organizations in [read the full story…]

The mental health impact of involuntary unemployment: the recession and the people of Bradford

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The Joseph Rowntree Foundation have today published five reports focusing on the impact of the recession on the people of Bradford. One study looked at the impact that involuntary unemployment can have on people’s mental health and well-being by investigating the coping strategies and emotional support that people require when they experience stressful life events [read the full story…]

A practical guide for line managers who support staff with mental health conditions

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Stress, anxiety and depression cause more working days lost than any other health problem. The financial cost to British business of mental ill health is an estimated £26 billion per year – that’s equivalent to £1,035 for every employee – and some place it as high as £40 billion. This new guide published by Devon [read the full story…]

Royal College of Psychiatrists launches new website to help people return to work after mental illness

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The Royal College of Psychiatrists has launched a new online resource offering information and guidance about returning to work after a period of mental ill-health. The Work and Mental Health website is divided into four main parts, and is aimed at workers, carers, employers and clinicians. Each section signposts relevant information and provides useful links [read the full story…]

Sense of personal achievement can reduce staff burnout in learning disability services

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Supporting people with learning disabilities can be a stressful job. Previous studies have identified predictors of staff burnout but there is little consensus about the way these factors interact with each other, or their relative importance. The researchers in this study looked at the direct and indirect associations between work stressors, emotional responses by staff, [read the full story…]