In her debut blog, Olga Lainidi summarises a study of Brazilian workers, which finds that occupational physical activity is linked to both workplace stress and depression.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Olga Lainidi summarises a study of Brazilian workers, which finds that occupational physical activity is linked to both workplace stress and depression.
[read the full story...]Olga Lainidi explores a prospective cohort study from Denmark, which establishes a relationship between workplace discrimination and the onset of a depressive disorder.
[read the full story...]Andy Bell summarises work by the Mental Health Policy and Research Unit looking at improving the social circumstances of people with mental health conditions. The study finds the most robust and compelling evidence available relates to gaining paid employment and tackling homelessness.
[read the full story...]We are hiring people who know about mental health to join our Beyond the Room team and report live from mental health conferences and events. Join us!
[read the full story...]Andy Bell looks at a new report from the Wellcome Trust entitled: Putting science to work – Understanding what works for workplace mental health.
[read the full story...]Chris Sampson summarises a review on the cost-effectiveness of mental health workplace interventions, which presents up-to-date evidence on the different things that employers can do to help those in their workforce affected by mental health problems or substance misuse.
[read the full story...]Andy Bell summarises a collection of recent academic research papers that have sought to understand the impact of a range of changes to the UK benefits system on people’s mental health.
[read the full story...]Consultant psychiatrist Dr Dieneke Hubbeling critically analyses a recent study looking at mental health benefits insecurity, and concludes that it is important for clinicians to realise that there is probably no such thing as benefits security.
[read the full story...]Alan Simpson summarises a recent longitudinal study that explores the impact that UK welfare reform, specifically Universal Credit, has had on the mental health of people across England, Scotland and Wales.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Jo Billings summarises a recent report by the Wellcome Trust which explores what researchers think of the research culture.
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