Results: 150

For: crime

Women in prison have significantly more drug problems than men #WomenAndDrugs


Geoff Page publishes his debut elf blog on a new systematic review of alcohol and drug use disorders in recently incarcerated men and women.

We’re publishing this blog to coincide with the #WomenAndDrugs event taking place in York today, which you can follow on Twitter and via our live podcast.

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Women, addiction and crime: what works? #WomenAndDrugs

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Some of the country’s leading experts on mental health and substance abuse will gather at the University of York tomorrow to “end the silence” surrounding women and addiction. We’ll be taking this #WomenAndDrugs event #BeyondTheRoom and I’m delighted to be publishing two relevant blogs, one today and the other tomorrow.

Here’s the first from regular elf blogger Ian Hamilton, who explores a recent narrative literature review on effective interventions for drug using women offenders.

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Street triage: all it’s cooked up to be?


Vishal Bhavsar appraises a descriptive study of Street Triage and detentions under Section 136 Mental Health Act in the North-East of England.

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Violence and women’s mental health: new review summarises the evidence


Nicky Lambert writes her debut Mental Elf blog on a recent review of violence and the impact that it has on women’s mental health

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Extremism and mental health: is there a link?


Vishal Bhavsar considers the findings of a cross sectional survey of over 3,500 men, which measured the prevalence of extremist attitudes in the general population and any associations with mental illness.

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Mental health of prisoners: have we reached a state of crisis?


Ian Cummins highlights the increased risk of all-cause mortality, suicide, self-harm, violence and victimisation in prisoners. He welcomes a recent review of reviews which contains clinical, policy and research recommendations.

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Childhood traumatic brain injuries predict risk of poor long-term outcomes


Eleanor Kennedy reports on a nationwide Swedish cohort study, which finds that traumatic brain injury consistently predicted later risk of premature mortality, psychiatric inpatient admission, psychiatric outpatient visits, disability pension, welfare recipiency and low educational attainment.

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#PreventableHarm discussion 20/7/16: Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based?


Can risk assessment in mental health be evidence-based? Join us for the #PreventableHarm discussion in London on Wed 20th July 2016. This free open ‘question time’ style debate is being organised by the UCL Division of Psychiatry, The Lancet Psychiatry and the National Elf Service.

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Let’s talk about sex! Sexual consent for people with learning disabilities


Nick Burton presents a recent literature review about the right to legal capacity to consent to sex for people with learning disabilities. He highlights a number of important questions that staff need to consider so that they can support people with learning disabilities to have healthy sexual relationships.

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