Results: 150

For: crime

Released prisoners have an increased risk of death compared to the rest of the population, particularly from drugs, suicide and homicide

Open prison door

Nearly 10 million people were in prison in 2008, according to estimates provided by the World Prison Population List (Walmsley, 2009). The United States tops the imprisonment league table with 2.3 million individuals behind bars, that’s 756 per 100,000 of the population. Whatever your view on the US legal system and incarceration, it’s interesting to [read the full story…]

Many psychiatric patients experience domestic violence, but more research is needed

Woman suffering domestic abuse

The links between domestic violence and mental health are well documented. Research shows that people who are suffering from mental health problems may be more vulnerable to domestic violence. Studies also suggest that domestic violence may increase the risk of mental illness and that continued violence may lead to more persistent ill health. However, we [read the full story…]

Speech and language therapy screening tool in forensic service shows link between communication difficulties and offending behaviour


One outcome measure of forensic services is the rate of re-offending. The author of this review was interested in this outcome, but in particular the contribution to this of speech and language therapy services. The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists recommend the involvement of speech and language therapy intervention in support to people [read the full story…]

Medical management of people who use illegal drugs: new report from the BMA


There has been a great deal of debate about illicit drugs in recent weeks. Just before Christmas, we had the House Affairs Committee report, which highlighted the downward trend in recorded drug use over recent years. Earlier this week the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy Reform published their report on legal highs, which recommended a [read the full story…]

People with learning disabilities over-represented in criminal justice system with no systematic approach to accessible and equitable services


Last week, the excellent UK forensic and learning disabilities network, one of a range of networks run throughout the UK to provide information to people supporting people with learning disabilities, circulated a note about a report from west Yorkshire. Although a local report, the findings have a wider relevance. The report was commissioned by the [read the full story…]

Women and men with mental health problems are significantly more likely to have experienced domestic violence


The 2010/11 British Crime Survey reported that levels of lifetime partner abuse were 27% in women and 17% in men. The survey concluded that women experience more domestic violence than men and the abuse is more severe and prolonged in women. The Home Office is planning to redefine domestic violence in the coming months, to [read the full story…]

Similarities found in characteristics of juvenile offenders with and without learning disabilities

Individuals more likely to be arrested or taken to ED if living indpependently or with family

This study from the Netherlands looked at whether it is possible to determine differences in personal characteristics and functioning between juvenile offenders under mandatory treatment orders who had a measured IQ of less than 70, between 70 and 85 and over 85. The authors were hoping to offer advice and guidance on ways to better [read the full story…]

Repeat offending significantly higher in people with personality disorders, according to new systematic review


The excellent Time to Change initiative is quick to point out that people with mental health problems are more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators. However, it remains the case that certain mental health conditions are more frequently associated with antisocial behaviour and violence than others. Personality disorders (PD) are one [read the full story…]

Recovery approach shows promise in learning disabilities secure service

few outcome studies found, but personalisation is relatively recent in social work practice

Mental health problems amongst people with learning disabilities have been found to be more prevalent than amongst the general population, although estimates of prevalence rates vary. The authors of this paper were keen to consider whether the recovery approach to mental illness was applicable to people with learning disabilities and mental health needs. The origin [read the full story…]

Community-based outreach may reduce mental health problems in women who experience intimate partner abuse


Women who experience intimate partner abuse (IPA) often suffer from mental health problems as a result. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and fear of further attacks are all common and understandable responses. Despite this, there are not many longitudinal studies that follow a group of women over a period of time and assess what interventions [read the full story…]