Results: 273

For: community settings

Complex Behaviour Service: is it really an enhanced model for challenging behaviour?


Rachel Allan appraises an observational study, which evaluates a complex behaviour service for people with challenging behaviour. The service, which used the principles of positive behaviour support, showed some short-term improvement, but this was not maintained at 12 months.

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Integrated treatment for first episode psychosis: media hype versus reality


Alex Langford reflects on the media hype surrounding a new RCT of the NAVIGATE intervention; a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, team-based treatment approach for first episode psychosis.

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Dementia day programmes: how can we tell if they are effective?


Caroline Struthers looks at a study on the effectiveness of a NZ dementia day programme but wonders about the use of outcomes measures in the research.

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A Suitable Person: An insider perspective finds conflict between parent-carers and practitioners


Earlier this year, we posted about a study which showed positive outcomes being achieved by suitable persons for individuals lacking capacity to consent to direct payments.

Here Alex Leeder, who blogged about this study, looks at the views of parent-carers who have fulfilled the role of ‘suitable person’ – an ‘insider’ perspective.

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The impact of co-ordinated community-based care for older people


Clarissa Giebel examines a US study on a community-based support for older people and finds that ‘the little things’ can mean a lot, particularly for prevention and quality of life.

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How do older community rehabilitation service users view disability?


Hannah Morgan discusses research looking at how the various people using community rehabilitation services view disability and service use and reflects on how disability studies needs to contribute to health and social care education.

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An evaluation of a community living initiative in Ireland


The move away from long stay hospital settings to community settings is long established in the UK.

Here, Victoria Smillie looks at an evaluation of a community living initiative from the Republic of Ireland which set out to chart the experiences of those who took part in the move.

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Differences in staff attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities in Japan and the United States


Support staff can play a key role for some people with learning disabilities in connecting people with their communities – so how much do staff attitudes impact on this and are there differences in attitudes between countries?

Here Fawn Harrad looks at a study which compared attitudes of staff in Japan and the U.S.

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What do we know about designing and delivering care closer to home?


In this blog, Alison Turner looks at a set of guides aims to explore the challenges and benefits of designing and delivering care closer to home.

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