Results: 273

For: community settings

Serious about suicide prevention? Invest in primary care #SuicidePreventionPC


AndrĂ© Tomlin summarises a new report out today by Centre for Mental Health and Samaritans: “Strengthening the frontline: Investing in primary care for effective suicide prevention”.

Follow the discussions on Twitter using the #SuicidePreventionPC hashtag.

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Community supported discharge service for teenagers leaving psychiatric hospital


Robyn Murphy summarises an RCT that compares the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intensive community supported discharge service versus treatment as usual for adolescents with psychiatric emergencies.

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The costs of care prior to institutionalisation among people living with Alzheimer’s disease


The past few decades have seen a gradual shift of provision of services for older people from residential care to community-based care in the UK and other high-income countries. ‘Ageing in place’ is a widely accepted and supported discourse. In practice, receiving care at home enables older people to stay in a familiar environment, and [read the full story…]

Lifestyle training for schizophrenia: STEPWISE fails to make a difference


Ben Janaway writes his debut elf blog on the STEPWISE RCT which is out today in the British Journal of Psychiatry: Structured lifestyle education for people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and first-episode psychosis.

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Compulsory Community Treatment does not reduce readmissions or length of stay in hospital


John Baker explores a systematic review of compulsory community treatment to reduce readmission to hospital and increase engagement with community care in people with mental illness.

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Community action has little impact on harms from alcohol use disorder


Natasha Clarke explores a systematic review of Whole of Community interventions to reduce population level harms arising from alcohol and other drug use.

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Mental health crisis teams in England: lost in translation? #MHNR2018


Rachel Rowan Olive writes her debut elf blog about a recent national survey of mental health crisis resolution teams and crisis care systems in England.

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Tackling loneliness in people with mental health problems


Timothy Matthews reflects on a scoping review from last year entitled: A life less lonely – the state of the art in interventions to reduce loneliness in people with mental health problems.

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After the crisis: self-management and peer-support

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Jenny Collom, Maria Giorgalli and Derek Tracy welcome a new RCT published yesterday in The Lancet which demonstrates the benefits of peer-supported self-management for people discharged from a mental health crisis team.

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Independent housing and support for people with severe mental illness


Sophie Holding publishes her debut blog on a recent systematic review which finds that independent housing and support has great potential to improve outcomes for both homeless and non-homeless populations with serious mental illness.

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