A group of psychiatrists from the Springfield University Hospital Journal Club summarise a recent qualitative study about the socioeconomic factors involved in recovery for people with psychosis.
[read the full story...]Results: 272
For: community settingsTime to research wider community approaches to reducing social isolation?
Heather McClelland writes her debut blog on a recent systematic review looking at the effectiveness of interventions aiming to reduce loneliness and social isolation.
[read the full story...]NHS England’s new framework for community mental health services
Andy Bell reviews NHS England’s recently published Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults, which sets out the changes it expects to see in community mental health services over the next five years.
[read the full story...]Knitting makes me happy
Dafni Katsampa reviews a recent qualitative study that examines the perceived benefits of knitting and its role in the lives of people who self-identified as passionate knitters.
[read the full story...]New mothers and intimate partner violence: how can nurses help?
Vishal Bhavsar reports on a new RCT which looks at adding an Intimate Partner Violence intervention to a nurse home visitation programme, and the impact it can have on maternal quality of life.
[read the full story...]Life after leaving hospital: when does a duty of care end?
Sally McManus writes her debut elf blog on a recent national cohort study of multiple adverse outcomes following first discharge from psychiatric care, which finds that mental health inpatients are more likely to experience all types of adversity after leaving hospital.
[read the full story...]Social resources help maintain mid-life mental health
A group of UCL Mental Health MSc students summarise a fascinating recent study entitled: “No man is an island: social resources, stress and mental health at mid-life”.
[read the full story...]Continuity of care: a luxury or need?
LucÍa Almazán Sánchez and Derek Tracy appraise a new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry on continuity of care and clinical outcomes in the community for people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]The role of ICT in Ageing in Place: a family matter
Jacqueline Damant considers a qualitative study looking at the experiences of older people and their support networks in using ICT to support Ageing in Place.
[read the full story...]Serious about suicide prevention? Invest in primary care #SuicidePreventionPC
André Tomlin summarises a new report out today by Centre for Mental Health and Samaritans: “Strengthening the frontline: Investing in primary care for effective suicide prevention”.
Follow the discussions on Twitter using the #SuicidePreventionPC hashtag.
[read the full story...]