Results: 273

For: community settings

Physical restraint: Why has it increased in Norway?

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In 1999, the law in Norway governing the use of physical intervention was changed with the aim of reducing and restricting their use.

Here, Rachel Allen looks at some research that set out to find out what has happened since the change in the law.

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Multiple perspectives on community treatment orders


In his second blog on community treatment orders, Ian Cummins looks at a UK study on user, carer and practitioner perspectives and critiques the policy.

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Increased risk of mortality in people with learning disabilities and epilepsy: Findings from a systematic review

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Epilepsy affects approximately 22% of people with learning disabilities, compared to approximately 1% of the general population.

Here, Silvana Mengoni looks at a systematic review of the literature investigating mortality in people with learning disabilities and epilepsy.

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NICE challenging behaviour guidelines stress person centred proactive support but barriers to achievement still exist

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NICE guidelines on supporting people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour have now been published. Here we look at the main recommendations and reflect on how likely they are to improve practice.

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Trying targets: did Local Area Agreements support social cohesion?


Jenny Fisher asks if the Local Area Agreement policy intervention and associated targets helped with social cohesion and offers useful pointers for further reading on the topic.

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Micro providers at the margins: filling gaps, building bridges


Jo Moriatry considers a literature review on how people who have been marginalised in mainstream services are creating and finding support from micro providers and community organisations.

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