Lean working has been described as ‘working smarter not harder’.
Here Russell Woolgar looks at an evaluation of a pilot project, which introduced this approach into a community learning disability team.
[read the full story...]Lean working has been described as ‘working smarter not harder’.
Here Russell Woolgar looks at an evaluation of a pilot project, which introduced this approach into a community learning disability team.
[read the full story...]What do we know about what factors influencing food choice by people with learning disabilities in day services?
Here, we look at a qualitative study, which sets out to explore this in a day service in Scotland.
[read the full story...]Chris Sampson reports on a new HTA systematic review and economic evaluation of art therapy for non-psychotic mental health disorders like depression, anxiety and phobias.
[read the full story...]In this blog, Alison Turner takes a look at guidance, which sets out recommendations for commissioners and providers to improve care and outcomes for people with cancer.
[read the full story...]Mike Clark considers some of the challenges of organisational co-production revealed by a study on social prescribing for people living with dementia.
[read the full story...]How to balance the need to discharge a duty of care with the need to promote and support autonomy is a key question for those involved in supporting people with learning disabilities.
Here, Victoria Smillie looks at a qualitative study that used in depth interviewing of a small sample of supported people and paid supporters to identify and further explore these challenges.
[read the full story...]In this blog, Sarah Carr examines a systematic review into the psychosocial factors that help and hinder mental health recovery and discusses implications for policy.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Jane Greenstock considers research on how community arts programmes such as singing clubs may contribute to prevention for older people.
[read the full story...]Affect attunement has been described in the literature as reflecting back emotions and feelings projected by a person in order to create a connection.
Here Paul Barnard looks at a paper exploring ways in which support workers might be using this approach in their work with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.
[read the full story...]People with learning disabilities are more at risk of developing diabetes, but how prepared are learning disability nurses to support them?
Here, Paula Hopes looks at a pre- and post- test evaluation on a one-day workshop focusing on this very issue.
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