Results: 273

For: community settings

Understanding research – what does it mean for me? Accessible research findings for people with learning disabilities

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Last week we posted about accessible websites. This week we thought we would consider the reflections published recently on the Plain Facts project, which ran for many many years, offering access to research findings on topics of interest to people with learning disabilities

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“No ‘one size fits all’ model for delivering primary care” says RAND Europe

Doctor writing something on a tablet

Summary of a report, produced by RAND Europe, exploring different models for delivering primary care, including collaboration, and how to manage change.

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How “Big Society” is experienced in the lives of people with learning disabilities: Austerity, broken promises and cruel optimism

festival crowd

Big Society? Disabled people with learning disabilities and civil society is a project funded by the Economic and Social research council (June, 2013 – September, 2015).

The project is a collaboration between universities and organisations of and for people with learning disabilities, further details can be found at:

Here, just as the project shares its findings at a national conference, Katherine Runswick Cole sets the scene and Silvana Mengoni posts about one of the published papers from the project.

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What can local decision makers do to address unplanned admissions in the elderly?


This report shares findings of a mixed methods case study, to explore best practice in reducing unplanned admissions in the elderly population.

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Seclusion and restraint in disability services influenced by both individual and organisational factors


Seclusion, whilst still in use in disability services can be considered at odds with the person-centred values underpinning modern services

Here, Alex Leeder looks at a review of its use in Victoria, Australia, to try to find what factors are associated with its ongoing use.

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Why does area deprivation affect people with learning disabilities and mental ill-health more than people without learning disabilities?


Mental health problems are common in the population of people with learning disabilities. Previous research has also found a strong association between social deprivation and mental health problems.

Here, Leen Vereenooghe looks at a study, which sets out to look at what impact living in deprived areas might have on people with learning disabilities accessing community psychiatric services.

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Is small really beautiful for delivering social care and support?


Jenny Fisher discusses a study on social care provision by micro-enterprises and discovers that small may well be beautiful for delivering care and support.

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Patterns of care coordination in services for older people


Mike Clark explores a study on patterns of local authority care coordination for older people and thinks about implications of findings for practice.

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Moving on from home for adults with learning disabilities: families’ experiences

Home sweet home dog

What are the experiences of families who are supporting their adult sons and daughters with learning disabilities to move on to their own homes?

Here, Mandy Johnson looks at a study, which sets out to answer that question.

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