
Commissioning in the NHS is the process of ensuring that the health and care services provided effectively meet the needs of the population. It is a complex process with responsibilities ranging from assessing population needs, prioritising health outcomes, procuring products and services, and managing service providers.

Our commissioning Blogs

Nurses ready to take on commissioning role, according to new NHS Alliance reports


Unless policy-makers take active steps to ensure that the rhetoric of clinically-led commissioning reflects a multi-professional approach that put nurses at the heart of commissioning and delivery, the potential to improve health care for patients will not be realised, says Nurses in Commissioning Network. According to Involving Nurses in Commissioning: How to Get it Right [read the full story…]

NHS publish latest version of the Mental Health Minimum Dataset


This fifth annual report on NHS adult specialist mental health services in England and the people who use them covers five years with the most recent information for 2010/11. It covers hospital care and services delivered in the community. This year, for the first time, data from a small number of NHS funded independent sector [read the full story…]

Mental health commissioners and providers are not ready for payment by results, says new NHS review


The NHS Confederation Mental Health Network have a published a review that discusses the readiness of mental health commissioners and providers to start working under the new Payment By Results system from April 2012. The review involved speaking to more than 100 people from mental health trusts, commissioners, the independent sector, local authorities and national [read the full story…]

Making social media work in mental health services, great examples in this new NHS briefing

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The NHS Confederation have published an 8-page summary of social media and how to make it work if you run a mental health service. The briefing looks at social media innovations underway in healthcare as a whole and highlights case studies from Mental Health Network member organisations. Here are the key points: The impact of [read the full story…]

Liaison psychiatry teams in general hospitals can achieve major cost savings to the NHS, finds new report


Liaison psychiatry teams in general hospitals can cut costs to the NHS by reducing how many people need beds and how long they stay, according to a report published yesterday by Centre for Mental Health with the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and funded by [read the full story…]

Department of Health reports reduced investment in mental health services from 3 Strategic Health Authorities

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The Department of Health has published the latest annual reports on the level of investment in mental health services. The National Survey of Investment in Adult Mental Health Services provides details of the level of investment in mental health services for working age adults (aged 18-64) in England for 2010/11 and compares it with the [read the full story…]

New NICE guide to commissioning mental health services

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NICE have published a new guide to help commissioners, clinicians and managers who commission services for people with common mental health disorders. Here’s the blurb from the NICE press release: Approaching the commissioning of mental health services as part of an integrated care pathway and illustrated with service models, the NICE guide for commissioners identifies [read the full story…]

Department of Health publishes draft payment by results guidance

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David Flory, Deputy NHS Chief Executive, issued a letter today which provides information on plans for Payment by Results (PbR) in 2012-13. These plans include an expansion in the scope of PbR into areas such as adult mental health, and a further increase in the coverage of best practice tariffs. He also highlights the publication [read the full story…]

Commissioning end of life care: new report from the King’s Fund

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End-of-life care services are typically funded and delivered by a mix of organisations from the NHS, local authorities and the voluntary sector as well as by independent agencies and through individual means (informal or family carers). Given the growing complexity of and demands on end-of-life care services, commissioning in this area is likely to be [read the full story…]

Payment by results will only work if NHS data quality improves: new Audit Commission report

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This new report from the Audit Commission says that the NHS needs to improve the quality of its data if the government is to expand its Payment by Results (PbR) system. The data for ‘non-tariff’ areas such as community services and chemotherapy was often of poor quality, and it is these areas that will be [read the full story…]