
Commissioning in the NHS is the process of ensuring that the health and care services provided effectively meet the needs of the population. It is a complex process with responsibilities ranging from assessing population needs, prioritising health outcomes, procuring products and services, and managing service providers.

Our commissioning Blogs

New mental health strategy for Scotland


The Scottish Government have published a new mental health strategy for the next 3 years, which aims to deliver faster access to mental health services for younger people, faster access to psychological therapies, work to reduce and prevent suicide and address stigma and discrimination. The strategy has 7 key themes, which came from the consultation [read the full story…]

New research to guide commissioning of Independent Mental Health Advocacy


Independent Mental Health Advocates (IMHAs) help patients who are under the Mental Health Act to understanding the position they are in, look after their rights and make the right decisions about their care and treatment. Independent advocacy has been around for many years, but there have been very few evaluations of mental health advocacy to [read the full story…]

New atlas highlights the variations in social care spending on mental health services across England


Following on from the publication of the NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare and the NHS Atlas for Children and Young People, there is now an atlas which looks at the variations in social care services across England. The report, put together by Health Mandate, focuses on four main outcomes: Enhancing quality of life for [read the full story…]

New long term conditions compendium from the Department of Health


Commissioners, health professionals and social care professionals will all be interested in the new Long Term Conditions Compendium of Information published by the Department of Health. This third edition updates the version produced in 2008 and provides the evidence for improving care and outcomes for people with long-term conditions. 70% of the total health and [read the full story…]

Alive and clicking: using the web and social media to share information with patients


The NHS Confederation have published another paper in their occasional series that looks at interactions between the NHS, individuals and communities. This paper explores the potential for using and sharing information in the NHS. It looks at the costs and benefits of informing and communicating with patients through web and social media platforms versus the [read the full story…]

Achieving race equality in mental health: a new briefing from the NHS Confederation


The NHS Confederation have published a new briefing that summarises the findings and recommendations from a recent report, commissioned by the Department of Health, into race equality in mental health. The report is based on a series of interviews with NHS and local authority leaders. The report suggests that focusing on tackling inequalities in access [read the full story…]

NHS Atlas for children and young people highlights sevenfold variation in mental heath inpatient admissions


Following on from the recent publication of the DH Atlas of Variation in Healthcare, Right Care have now released the equivalent atlas for children and young people. The document and the online interactive atlas present variations across the breadth of child health services provided by NHS England. The aim is to highlight unwarranted variations that [read the full story…]

New guides to help GPs commission mental health services

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The Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health (JCP-MH) have published the first of their guides aimed at GPs who will soon be commissioning mental health services. Each of the guides provide a description of what a ‘good’ service configuration should look like, and brings together scientific evidence, service user and carer experience, and case studies [read the full story…]

NHS publishes new resources for emerging clinical commissioning groups

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The NHS Commissioning Board has published a series of resources which may be useful for emerging clinical commissioning groups (CCGs). They include guidance and process documents, toolkits and other information around authorisation, governance, establishment and commissioning support. Developing Clinical Commissioning Groups: Towards authorisation (PDF) was published back in September 2011. It is now accompanied by Towards establishment: [read the full story…]

NTA publish joint strategic needs assessment to help commission and plan local substance misuse recovery systems


In April 2013, subject to the Health and Social Care Bill becoming law, local authorities will become responsible for commissioning drug treatment and recovery services. An effective approach to tackling substance misuse will require partnership working across local authorities, health bodies and criminal justice agencies. The object is not only for individuals to overcome dependency, [read the full story…]