The NHS Confederation have published an 8-page summary of social media and how to make it work if you run a mental health service.
The briefing looks at social media innovations underway in healthcare as a whole and highlights case studies from Mental Health Network member organisations.
Here are the key points:
- The impact of social media on how people now communicate cannot be underestimated
- Social media can be used both as an engagement tool and to analyse public, stakeholder and service user perceptions
- Mental health service providers are increasingly using social media to disseminate information, provide preventative and after-care, and reach out to those averse to receiving care
- Social media can be invaluable as a way of providing 24/7 contact with mental healthcare professionals, A&E or after-hours GP care
- To be successful, social media activity needs careful planning and to be properly resourced
Joining in the conversation: social media and mental health services (PDF). NHS Confederation Mental Health Network, Nov 2011.