child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Are mental health problems the “new normal” for young people? New qualitative study from Sweden explores their thoughts


In her debut blog, Lottie Shipp summarises a qualitative study that explores Swedish young people’s perceptions of public stigma towards youth mental health.

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Smartphone application for dental anxiety in adolescents


In this blog we look at a RCT investigating the effect of a smartphone App on dental anxiety, communication, cooperation, and satisfaction among Brazilian adolescent patients. The findings show a reduction in anxiety from 22.8% to 6.5% in the test group compared with a reduction form 20.7% to 18.8% in the control group.

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Online experiences: a risk factor for suicide?


Louise La Sala and Jo Robinson review a UK-wide case series study of young people who died by suicide, which explores their previous suicide-related online experiences.

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Chewing gum for pain during and after orthodontic appliance installation


This review of the efficacy of chewing gum in reducing pain intensity in patients undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment included 16 RCTs. The findings suggest , chewing gum was significantly more effective than both pharmacologic agents and placebo in reducing orthodontic pain 24 hours. However the evidence is of very low certainty.

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Equipping young adolescents with wellbeing skills: does a universal, classroom-based CBT intervention promote positive mental health?


Emily Hards and Maria Loades summarise a cluster randomised controlled trial exploring the effectiveness of universal process-based CBT for positive mental health in early adolescence.

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Is a chewable toothbrush effective in children?


This review comparing the effectiveness of a chewable toothbrush (CTB) with a manual toothbrush (MTB) in terms of plaque reduction included 7 RCTs. While no significant differences were found between CTB and MTB the availabel studies were small of short duration and of very low certainty.

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Connecting with parents and carers to discuss childhood mental health: does ‘universal’ actually mean targeted?


Educational practitioner and researcher, Aleem Nisar, writes about the people and places in our communities that can help to diversify our research and ensure that mental health services reach those most in need.

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Income inequality and poor mental health: should we be focusing more on young people’s own perceptions?


In her debut elf blog, Kadra Abdinasir from Centre for Mental Health explores the relationship between perceived income inequality, adverse mental health and interpersonal difficulties in UK adolescents.

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Community interventions for anxiety and depression: the benefits of sports, music, gardening, art and culture


Jessica Bone critically considers a systematic review of community interventions for anxiety and depression in adults and young people, which suggests that more research is required targeting young people and specific community assets.

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Online family-based therapy for youth eating disorders: promising, but randomised evidence needed


In her debut blog, Eline van Bree summarises a recent pre-post observational cohort study, which explores the effectiveness of delivering evidence-based eating disorder treatment via telemedicine for children and young people.

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