child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Fluoride varnish in pre-school children


The effectiveness of fluoride varnishes for caries prevention for children and adolescents is well established with the recent update of the Cochrane review (Marinho et al 2013) estimating the pooled preventive fraction of 43% (95% CI 30-75%) for permanent teeth  and 37% (95% CI 24-51%) for primary teeth.  However although 22 trails were included there [read the full story…]

Systematic review identifies key parenting factors associated with adolescent depression and anxiety


Parenting is a tough gig. As a mum of three, I can honestly say that nothing in my everyday professional life comes close to the trials and tribulations of guiding small people through toddlerhood and beyond. Parenting advice comes thick and fast from all corners, most of it unsolicited, some of it anecdotal, much of [read the full story…]

Targeted mental health support can improve borderline-clinical behavioural problems in children


The statistic that one in four adults in Britain will experience a mental health problem in any given year is well known (if still debated), but a recent report by the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition revealed a lack of such statistics for children. The report also highlighted that Office for National Statistics [read the full story…]

ADHD and the importance of healthy sleep

child sleeping on school books

Good sleep is a crucial part of our physical and mental well-being. We typically spend about a third of our lives asleep but when we miss out on sleep, we can feel fatigued and struggle to concentrate. Sleep problems are generally quite common and have been reported as one of the most common health conditions [read the full story…]

Atypical antipsychotics no better than typicals for adolescents with psychosis, but atypicals may have fewer short-term side effects


Schizophrenia is a serious neurodevelopmental disorder that often starts during adolescence. Current treatment guidelines (NICE, 2013) recommend atypical antipsychotics for adolescents with this condition, but this is based largely on studies of adults with the condition. The Cochrane Schizophrenia Group conducted this systematic review to synthesise the current evidence base for atypical antipsychotic medication in [read the full story…]

How can we best prevent suicide in young people? More questions than answers


Listening to a World Health Organisation podcast recently I learnt that someone dies as a result of suicide every 40 seconds; this equates to a million suicides each year. The podcast contains a myriad of such stark statistics and the contributors’ highlight how it is well established that young people are often at risk, and [read the full story…]

Early orthodontic treatment may reduce incisal trauma in children with class II malocclusions


This is the latest update of a Cochrane review looking at the treatment of class II malocclusion.  This is a common problem affecting about one in four of 12 year-olds in the UK.    The aim of the review was to assess the effects of orthodontic treatment for prominent upper front teeth (Class II malocclusion) when [read the full story…]

Expert review suggests that school-based depression and anxiety prevention programmes are effective in the short term


It is estimated that 20% of children up to the age of 18 will have suffered an emotional disorder of depression or anxiety (Costello et al., 2003). These two mental health conditions commonly occur together and can significantly influence daily functioning, relationships and education in this age group. Effective and evidence-based psychological treatments have been [read the full story…]

Treating antenatal depression could prevent offspring adult depression


Depression in late adolescence is a major public health concern, not least because it is strongly predictive of persistent, adult depression, which can have a severe effect on socioemotional functioning, education and employment. Increasingly, depression research is turning its attention to the matter of prevention of depression rather than exclusively focusing on treatment options and [read the full story…]

Cohort study links early exposure to intimate partner violence with poor mental health outcomes, but longer follow-up is needed

family fighting

Negative childhood experiences have always been a big topic in psychology and psychiatry, as they tend to be associated with poor mental health outcomes in later life. Intimate partner violence (IPV) harms not only the adults directly involved in it, but also the children – witnessing IPV as a child is a known risk factor [read the full story…]