child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

The dark side of universal prevention: Limited effectiveness and harmful effects of classroom-based CBT in preventing adolescent depression


Depression is a common problem in adolescence, with statistics showing that around 20% of young people will go through at least one clinically depressive episode by the age of 18 years. Given the significant impairment and deleterious consequences of depression, sustained efforts have been dedicated to preventive and early intervention. In a recent large trial [read the full story…]

Trial suggests that two types of mineral trioxide aggregate both out perform calcium hydroxide for primary molar pulpotomy


The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare two different white MTA cements as pulpotomy medicaments in human primary teeth, Pro-Root MTA and MTA Angelus. Child patients with deep occlusal carious lesion, which presented potential risk of pulp exposure during complete removal of carious dentin, as determined by clinical and radiographic assessment were [read the full story…]

Review suggests that mineral trioxide aggregate had best clinical and radiographic outcomes at 9-12 months for primary molar pulpotomy


When I was training formocresol was the standard dressing for primary teeth following pulpotomy . However, it  use is now questionable because of potential adverse effects such as potential carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and cytotoxicity.  Consequently a range of other materials have been investigated,  ferric sulphate, gluatraldehyde preparations , mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), electrosurgery, calcium hydroxide, and laser [read the full story…]

Bullying is bad for your mental health, even if you are the bully


Clinicians and mental health researchers have long recognised that there is a link between traumatic experiences in childhood and symptoms of psychosis or non-clinical psychotic experiences presenting in adolescence or adulthood. One type of traumatic experience is the experience of abuse, whether physical, emotional or social in nature.  When it comes to bullying, any or [read the full story…]

Review suggests increased risk of enamel defects in children born pre-term


Enamel defects and other oral abnormalities have been reported in premature children. The aim of this review was to assess whether there is any association between premature birth and enamel opacities or hypoplasia. A search was conducted in PubMed  and Embase for follow-up, case control or cross sectional studies  published in English German, Danish, Swedish [read the full story…]

Review suggests that both slow and rapid maxillary expansion are effective

Upper orthodontic appliance

Posterior cross-bite is a common malocclusion and a number of approaches to address this with maxillary expansion have been developed. These can be broadly divided into rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and slow maxillary expansion (SME).  The aim of this review was to compare the effectiveness of RME and SME for transverse maxillary discrepancy. Searches were [read the full story…]

Study finds that high-fluoride toothpaste can reduce white lesions around orthodontic brackets


Failure to maintain good oral hygiene during fixed appliance orthodontic treatment can lead to the development of demineralised white lesions (DWLs) around the orthodontic brackets.  The incidence of this adverse effect of treatment has bee reported as being between 15-85.  A recent Cochrane review by Benson et al (see Dental Elf 27th Jan 2014) found [read the full story…]

Trial found similar success rates for partial pulpotomies in permanent molars using mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium hydroxide


The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of partial pulpotomies in cariously exposed pulps of young permanent molars using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium hydroxide in a randomized controlled trial. Eighty-four teeth in 80 patients (aged 7-10yrs) having one or two first permanent molars with deep occlusal carious lesions that resulted [read the full story…]

Possible association between second hand smoke and caries ADA-EBD critical summary

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There has been much discussion in the UK about the possibility of banning smoking in cars when children are present.  This latest summary from the ADA-EBD looks at a 2011 systematic review by Hanioka et al that considered the possibility of a link between second hand smoke (SHS) and dental caries that we first highlighted [read the full story…]

Study suggests that dentifrices containing 1.5% arginine, an insoluble calcium compound provides additional benefit to fluoridated toothpastes


Cochrane reviews have clearly documented the anti-caries benefits of fluoridated toothpastes (Marhino et al 2003, Walsh et al 2010). New agents to improve caries prevention would assist efforts to reduce the impact of caries, particularly on children. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of two dentifrices containing 1.5% arginine, an insoluble [read the full story…]