child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Longer adolescent duration of worry and low mood predicts problems in adulthood: suggests early intervention important


Adolescent mental health problems are the cause of deep distress to hundreds of thousands of teenagers in the UK. Young Minds estimates that 850,000 children and young people in the UK have a diagnosed mental health problem, and many more may be suffering in silence.  Statistics on how likely it is that an adolescent with [read the full story…]

New Cochrane Protocol – April 2014


  The aim of this new Cochrane protocol is to evaluate the effects of methods for acceptance of local anaesthetic in children during dental treatment. As the protocol notes three factors have been considered to influence discomfort during delivery of local anaesthetic: factors related to the patient, equipment factors and aspects that are under control [read the full story…]

Bereavement during childhood, but not before birth, is associated with an increased risk of psychosis


Psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, are often conceptualised as arising from a complex interplay of genetic and environmental influences (Tandon 2008). The impact of social influences on the risk of psychotic experience is undeniable. Recent reviews of this topic have called for a focus on maternal wellbeing as a means of primary prevention for mental [read the full story…]

Children with Down syndrome improved developmental quotient scores through responsive teaching in small RCT


Background There are relatively few randomised controlled trials in interventions to support people with learning disabilities. There are often significant difficulties in design in multi-element real-life interventions, along with a range of ethical issues to consider. The researchers in this Turkish study however were keen to use the methodology to look at responsive teaching for [read the full story…]

Dental Interventions to prevent caries in children – SIGN Guideline 138

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The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) have just launched a new guideline on caries prevention in children.  The guideline replaces two existing guidelines; SIGN 47 on preventing dental caries in children at high caries risk and SIGN 83 on prevention and management of dental decay in the pre-school child.  The guideline was developed using SIGN [read the full story…]

Teenagers who have been concussed are three times more likely to have depression, although no one knows why


Depression in teenagers is a significant problem, with serious and potentially fatal consequences. Estimates of how many teenagers have depression at any one time vary between countries, but overall about 4-5% of mid to late teens worldwide are thought to experience clinical depression every year (Thapar et al, 2012). Much of the current knowledge of [read the full story…]

Orthodontic retention – cost analysis of three different appliances

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The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the costs for the three orthodontic retention methods using a cost-minimisation analysis (CMA). The cost analysis was based on previous randomised controlled trial data (Dental Elf 22nd Jan 2013). Patients were randomised into 3 groups with retention appliances being placed within 1 hour of debonding.  [read the full story…]

Potential for non-conventional management of approximal caries in primary molars shown by study

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Despite the improvements in oral health the management of dental caries still presents challenges particularly in children. While some guidelines still recommend complete removal of caries there is growing interest in more conservative approaches.  The aim of this study was to compare children’s behaviour and pain perception when approximal dentinal caries lesions in primary molars [read the full story…]

Ecological change in transition for young people with learning disabilities suggested by small qualitative study

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Background The process of preparing for adulthood, whilst opening up a range of opportunities, can also be a worrying and difficult time. In the case of young people with learning disabilities who have been supported by children’s services, there is the additional issue of dealing with the transition of support from those services to services [read the full story…]

Biting on soft acrylic wafer during orthodontic appliance debond may reduce the pain experienced

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Pain and discomfort is often reported by patients undergoing orthodontic treatment and has been cited as a reason for failure to complete treatment.  Removal of fixed appliances could be painful and it has been suggested that an intrusive bite force may stabilize teeth allowing greater resistance of torsional forces.  The aim of this study was [read the full story…]