child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Mindfulness based stress reduction for parents also impacted on child behaviour

Stress associated with being the parent of a child with learning disabilities is well documented. Mencap’s Breaking Point campaign has highlighted this very clearly. Their survey of families found more than 9 out of 10 family carers reported high levels of stress with over half of family carers either having given up, or considering giving [read the full story…]

Limited evidence to make recommendations about initial archwires or specific archwire sequences for orthodontic treatment

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The aim of this review was to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and potential side effects of the various archwires used during fixed appliance orthodontic treatment. Searches were conducted in Medline, Cochrane Library, Biomed Central, BBO including LILACS, Ind Med, Sceilo, Clinical, Conference paper Index, Digital Dissertations, German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED), Google [read the full story…]

Trial suggests that infiltrating early carious lesions in primary molars is effective


Despite fails in caries level in recent decades caries is still a significant problem for many children The aim of this study was to compare the effect of infiltration and fissure sealing with fluoride varnish applications. Children aged 5-8 with at least three primary molars with initial lesions on three occlusal surfaces in each child [read the full story…]

Review suggests a modest quality of life benefit from orthodontic treatment


There is increasing interest in patient reported outcomes (PROMs) from health care interventions. Oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL) has been defined as, ‘the absence of negative impacts of oral conditions on social life and a positive sense of dentofacial self-confidence’ and a number of validated tools are available. The aim of this review was [read the full story…]

Health Promoting Schools can improve some areas of health, but more research is needed


My grandfather had a nearly religious conviction of the value of physical activity. No weekend was complete without a strenuous bout of outdoor exercise, regardless of the weather.  New England gets cold and damp, and his five children would prepare themselves for winter excursions with some reluctance. ‘Healthy body, healthy mind!’ my grandfather would say, exhorting them [read the full story…]

Study suggests benefits to adjacent teeth from application of fluoride containing fissure sealants


There is good quality review evidence (Ahovuo-Saloranta et al.  2013) that resin-based fissure sealants are effective at preventing or controlling occlusal caries. The aim of this trial was to assess whether sealing first permanent molars with fluoride releasing compounds reduced the caries increment on the distal surface of the second primary molars. Children with at [read the full story…]

Second group of reviewers find some evidence for use of facemask for class III malocclusions


The aim of this review was to evaluate the short-term skeletal effects of facemask treatment on growing Class III patients. Searches were conducted in PubMed, Medline, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, LILACS, and Google Scholar. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) conducted on growing class III patients using protraction facemask were included. [read the full story…]

Bullying and cyberbullying increase the risk of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in adolescents


Bullying is just not good for you.  Here on Mental Elf, we’ve already picked some great examples of studies demonstrating this.  André blogged about how bullied children are more likely to develop psychosis, and how bullies are at higher risk for teen pregnancy, and not so long ago, I told you how Wolke et al demonstrated that [read the full story…]

Review finds insufficient evidence to determine whether Hawley or vacuum-formed retainers are most effective following orthodontic treatment

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Retention is an essential phase of orthodontic treatment without which there is a tendency for teeth to return to their initial position. The aim of this review was to compare the effects of Hawley retainers (HRs) and vacuum-formed retainers (VFRs) Searches were conducted in Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Medline, Embase, ISI Web [read the full story…]

No good quality evidence on how to manage juvenile idiopathic arthritis with temporomandibular joint involvement


Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), also known as juvenile chronic arthritis and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis affects a range of joints. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can be the first and only affected joint. In the UK about 1 and 2 in every 10,000 children develop JIA each year. The prevalence of TMJ involvement in JIA patients ranges [read the full story…]