child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Caries management: trial finds Hall technique more successful than other approaches in primary molars

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The Hall technique is a relatively new management technique for caries in primary molars. This trial compares it use against the conventional approach and a non-restorative approach. Results at one year suggest that the Hall technique performed best.

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Orthodontic treatment for crowding: review found similar results with early and late extractions


This new review looks at early or late premolar extraction for the orthodontic treatment of severe crowding. However, only seven retrospective studies are available so it is difficult to assess which protocol is more effective.

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Cannabis use in young people linked with lower high school completion and degree attainment


André Tomlin and Douglas Badenoch voice a note of caution about the Lancet Psychiatry meta-analysis of cannabis use in young people. The study links cannabis use in children with low educational attainment, cannabis dependence, illicit drug use and suicide attempts in later life.

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Orthodontic treatment; can it be accelerated by surgical and non-surgical approaches?

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With typical orthodontic treatment taking 18-24 months there is pressure to reduce the time it takes. This review considers a range of potential options but there is limited quality evidence for most of the techniques identified.

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Motivational interviewing does not prevent alcohol misuse in young people


This new Cochrane systematic review finds that motivational interviewing has no effect on reducing alcohol-related problems or risky behaviours such as drunk driving in young people.

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Face-to-face psychotherapy for chronic pain in children and adolescents: Cochrane review calls for better primary research

Lisa Burscheidt summarises a recent Cochrane review of psychotherapy for chronic pain in children and adolescents, which concludes that psychological therapies should be considered as a treatment, but better primary studies are needed to help steer pain management decisions.

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Review suggests that surgical anchorage is more effective than conventional anchorage for orthodontic treatment


This recent update of a Cochrane review considers the question as to whether surgical or conventional anchorage is more effective. Surgical anchorage was more effective but there is limited information on patient reported outcomes such as pain.

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Can schools prevent eating disorders?


In 2012 there was a call from Parliament to research school interventions to reduce body dissatisfaction. Helen Bould reports on an RCT of school-based prevention programme for eating disorders, which highlights the need for more work in this area.

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