child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Cyberbullying and mental health in young people


Elly O’Brien summarises a recent US survey of adolescents, which investigates the relationship between cyberbullying, mental health and substance use problems, and the moderating role of family dinners.

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Intravenous midazolam sedation for dental treatment: review found no significant side effects


This review of IV midazolam for treating children and adolescents only identified 11 studies (5 RCTs, 6 non randomised). No serious adverse events were reported but there was a generalised inconsistency in side effect reporting. Consequently the call for better side effect reporting.

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E-cigarettes and youth: are e-cigs encouraging more use of conventional cigarettes?


Matt Field reviews the recent cross-sectional survey of e-cigarettes and conventional cigarette use in US adolescents, which found that E-Cig users were more likely to also smoke regular cigarettes than non-users. Does this mean that E-cigarettes encourage the use of conventional cigarettes?

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Chin cup treatment for class III maloclussions: little evidence to assess impact on temporomandibular joint


This review focuses on the effect of chin cup therapy used for treating class III malocclusion on the TMJ.On 8 low quality studies could be included and they suggest suggests that chin cup therapy affects the condylar growth pattern but constitutes no risk factor for TMD.

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Malocclusion: review finds that it has an adverse effect on quality of life


Following on from a review we looked at earlier in the week about the impact of orthodontic treatment on quality of life we look at a review considering whether malocclusion affects quality of life. 6 studies were included and malocclusion was considered to have a negative impact.

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Family-based CBT for early childhood OCD: efficient for white, non-minority, upper middle-class children


Ioana Cristea reviews a recent RCT of family-based CBT for early childhood OCD and concludes that the results are impressive, but may not be applicable to poorer children from ethnic minorities.

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Is suicide contagious? Definition and epidemiology of suicide clusters


Mark Smith summarises a recent narrative synthesis of research looking at the definition and epidemiology of suicide clusters.

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Orthodontic research is currently using a narrow range of outcome domains


This new review looked a 6 main outcome domains in orthodontic research and found that 3 domains (quality of life, health service resource utilization, and adverse effects of treatment.) that could provide useful insight were infrequently evaluated.

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Orthodontic treatment: Does it improve quality of life for patients?

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Orthodontic treatment is considered to have an impact on an individuals quality of life. This review focuses on the studies using the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 as a measurement tool. A small number of studies were included in a meta-analysis which identified significant improvement in the OHIP-14 scores.

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Helping young people with psychosis return to work: early intervention services need to do more


Stephen Wood summarises a recent cluster RCT of vocational rehabilitation in early psychosis, which finds that early intervention services need to do more to help young people with psychosis return to work.

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