child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Childhood adversity linked to psychotropic drug use in later life


Andrew Jones summarises a large Finnish population-based cohort study, which finds that childhood adversities strongly predict the use of psychotropic drugs (such as antidepressants and antipsychotics) in adulthood.

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Orthodontic retention: trial finds no difference between three methods at 5 years

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The paper reports the finding of a small trial of three type of orthodontic retention 5 years or more post retention and finds no difference. Previously the authors reported their findings after two years of retention again showing no differences.

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Relationship training for children and family practitioners: does it work?


Martin Webber looks at a rare social work randomised controlled trial (RCT) on relationship training for practitioners working with children and families and finds that even findings from a study using ‘gold standard’ research methodology have to be carefully examined for reliability.

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Mental health therapy for refugee and asylum seeking children: a small evidence base for a big problem

Refugees face a substantially higher risk of psychotic disorders compared to non-refugee migrants [see previous blog].

Laurence Palfreyman considers the very small and mixed evidence base of mental health interventions for refugee and asylum seeking children presented in a well conducted systematic review from last year.

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Local anaesthetic to reduce pain of dental care under general anaesthesia – evidence unclear


This Cochrane review included 14 trials of variable quality that could not be combined due to variation in local anaesthetic delivery and outcome measures. So the results from individual studies for pain, bleeding and other adverse effects are uncertain.

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How can we improve mental health services for young people? Ask them


Sarah Knowles appraises and summarises a thematic analysis of young people’s views of UK mental health services, which calls for greater involvement of young people themselves in redesigning services to be more engaging and accessible.

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King’s Fund report highlights gaps in evidence on reconfiguration

hospital move

This new report from the King’s Fund summarises available evidence from major reconfiguration programmes. A timely publication given the emphasis on the need for transformation in current policy.

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Folic acid for depression: RCT finds no effect on reducing incidence of depression or bipolar


Elly O’Brien summarises a recent RCT of folic acid for depression, which explores whether mood disorders can be prevented in young people at familial risk. The trial finds no evidence that folic acid supplementation reduces the incidence of mood disorders compared to those taking placebo.

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Eating disorders: how can we care for carers?


Helen Bould summarises a meta-analysis of interventions for caregivers of someone with an eating disorder, which highlights a lack of high quality primary research.

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