child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Lingual orthodontic retainers – a lack of evidence


This review focused on lingual orthodontic retention including 27 studies (9 RCTs; 6 prospective and 12 retrospective studies). However, the quality of evidence was low, providing little evidence for the best treatment protocols.

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Fluoride gel applications reduce caries


The update of the 2002 Cochrane review of fluoride included 28 trials finding an average 28% reduction (95% CI; 19-36%) in decayed, missing and filled tooth surfaces. There is little information about adverse effects or how well children and young people were able to cope with the gel application.

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How does parenting impact on the emotional wellbeing of children?


Sarah McDonald summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis of how parenting can impact on childhood anxiety, depression and internalising problems.

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Does opioid antagonist medication improve the core features of autism spectrum conditions in children?

boy with autism

Emma Langley looks at a systematic review of the effectiveness of the use of opioid antagonist medication in attenuating core symptoms of autism spectrum conditions in children

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Can video-feedback improve outcomes for infants at risk of autism?


Christine O’Farrelly and Jane Iles post their debut blog about a cutting-edge RCT of video-feedback given to parents for infants at risk of autism. The study makes use of the ViPP technique (Video-feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting) and concludes that this is a promising intervention.

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Developmental defects 
of enamel and caries are they associated?


This review includes 7 cross-sectional studies and suggests that those with developmental enamel defects have more dental caries with a pooled odds ratio OR = 2.21 (95% CI; 1.3 – 3.54).

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CBT for substance misuse in young people


Eleanor Kennedy summarises a Campbell systematic review of CBT for substance misuse in young people in outpatient treatment, which is inconclusive in terms of CBT being more or less effective than other therapies.

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Is inclusion optimal? Irish students with special education needs are turning away from mainstream schools in favour of special education

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Figures suggest an increasing trend for students to transfer from mainstream to special education settings in Ireland.

Here, Genevieve Young Southward looks a questionnaire survey of principals of special education settings which suggests some explanations.

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Preventing the sexual abuse of children with learning disabilities; knowledge is power

autism children holding hands

In this post, Sian Anderson considers a narrative review of literature that focused on the sexual abuse of children with learning disabilities, looking at the extent and nature of such abuse and reactions to it.

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The value of family meals


Helen Bould appraises a recent systematic review, which investigates the effects of family meal frequency on psychosocial outcomes in young people.

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