child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Childhood sleep disturbance and risk of psychotic experiences


Joanne Wallace explores the relationship between nightmares/night terrors at age 12 with psychotic experiences at age 18, which has been confirmed by a recent UK birth cohort study.

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Arginine in combination with calcium bases and fluoride in toothpaste may be better than fluoride alone


Ten trials were included in this review of arginine in toothpaste. It found that arginine in combination with calcium bases (either Dical or calcium carbonate) and fluoride provided a superior effect compared with fluoride alone. However, 9 out of 10 of the trials were sponsored by a single company and the overall quality of the evidence was considered to be low.

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IPT and CBT best for depression in children and young people, says network meta-analysis


Laura Hemming summarises a recent network meta-analysis of psychotherapies for depression in children and young people, which finds that Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) were significantly more efficacious than other psychotherapies at post-treatment and follow-up.

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Class II malocclusion- fixed or removable functional appliances?

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This review looked at the efficacy of fixed and removable functional appliances for the treatment of class II malocclusion. Just 4 trials were identified 2 of which were randomised. Limited evidence found fixed and removable functional appliances are effective in reducing overjet in children but there is little evidence to differentiate the approaches.

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Pivotal response treatment is promising for children with autism


Rosalyn Nelson presents the findings of a small RCT of Pivotal Response Treatment groups for parents of children with autism, which has promising results in terms of encouraging children to communicate.

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Young people’s views on responsive social services: What makes a difference?


In her debut blog, Katherine Bishop examines a New Zealand study which asks young people at risk of harm what makes a responsive, supportive social service and finds important messages for social work practice.

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Fissure sealants – are self-etch sealants more effective?


This review looked at whether self-etch adhesive sealants were as effective as traditional acid etching. 5 split-mouth studies were included and they found significantly lower failure rates in the acid etch group. Odds ratio 4.46 (95% CI 1.31, 15.20).

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Does parental drinking influence children’s drinking?


Natasha Clarke helps us understand a recent systematic review of prospective cohort studies, which explores the links between parental alcohol drinking and alcohol consumption in their offspring.

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Cognitive behavioural prevention of depression in adolescents

Higher levels of cortisol were associated with higher levels of depression

Emily Stapley summarises a recent RCT of a cognitive behavioural prevention programme for young people at risk of depression.

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