child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Methylphenidate for ADHD: have Cochrane got it wrong this time?


Chris Hollis appraises a recent Cochrane systematic review, which casts doubt over the quality of trial evidence and the clinical effectiveness of Methylphenidate for ADHD.

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Patient expectations of orthodontic treatment – research currently of poor quality

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This review of patient expectations of orthodontic treatment included 13 studies but found that the methodological quality was poor so recommended that future studies are needed based on well constructed theory.

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Tooth autotransplantation: review suggests good survival but evidence limited


Only 5 small studies were included in this review of the long term outcomes of tooth autotransplantation. All but one was retrospective so the findings which suggest 81% survival at 6 years should be interpreted with caution.

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Parenting interventions for children with severe attachment problems


Jasmin Wertz summarises a systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of parenting interventions for children with severe attachment problems.

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Irrigants for pulpectomy in primary teeth- little evidence available

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This review of irrigants for pulpectomy in primary teeth only identified 7 small RCTs providing little conclusive evidence. More high quality studies are needed.

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Self-harm in young people: how can we support parents and families?


Olivia Kirtley summarises an important new qualitative study that explores the impact of self-harm in young people on their parents and families.

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Alcohol and tobacco in YouTube music videos: young female teenagers most exposed

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Sally Adams charts the presence of tobacco and alcohol in YouTube music videos and considers the impact that this content has on adults and young people in Britain.

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Antidepressants: benefits and harms in children and adults


Samei Huda discusses the findings of a recent review into suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment. The systematic review and meta-analyses were based on clinical study reports and included some important adverse effects of antidepressants in children and young people.

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Vitamin D status and caries associated?


Data from a cohort of children (6-11 years old) participating in the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) suggests an association between vitamin D status and dental caries. Children with 25(OH)D concentrations ≥75 nmol/L had a 39% lower odds of having experienced caries.

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