child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Preventing anxiety disorders in young people at risk


Belinda Platt reports on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis looking at the prevention of anxiety disorders in at-risk children and adolescents.

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Breastfeeding and caries: New review supports earlier findings

"Breast is best" is the clear message to all new Mums, but should this advice be tailored for women with depression?

This new review on the effect of breastfeeding on caries supports the findings of earlier reviews that breastfeeding up to the age of 12 months has a protective effect for dental caries.

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Regenerative endodontics in non-vital immature permanent teeth

By Drs. Ken Hargreaves and Obadah Austah, Dept of Endodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio - Ken Hargreaves, CC BY 3.0 us,

This review of regenerative endodontics for non-vital immature permanent teeth included 14 studies. Although suggesting good outcomes overall they were of low quality with a high risk of bias. Larger high quality studies are needed.

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Impacted canines: localisation with conventional or cone beam radiographs?

shutterstock_63657280 - Panoramic x-ray machine

This review comparing cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and conventional radiography (CR) for localising impacted canines included 8 mainly cross-sectional studies and suggests that CBCT is more accurate. However the quality of the studies is low and further research is needed.

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Brief, intensive and concentrated CBT for anxiety disorders in children


Simon Brett summarises a recent systematic review of brief, intensive and concentrated cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders in children, which finds some promising results for this more focused approach to care.

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Molar incisor hypomineralisation: prevalence

HSPM  Molar-Incisor hypomineralisation

70 observational studies were included in this molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) prevalence. The overall prevalence of MIH was estimated to be 14.2%(95%CI; 12.6–15.8).

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Suicide-related internet searches following the release of 13 Reasons Why

Suicidal Feelings Typed into search bar on Google homepage

Angharad de Cates, Alys Cole-King and Stan Kutcher explore a quasi-experimental examination of internet search results, which suggests that the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why has both increased suicide awareness while unintentionally increasing suicidal ideation.

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Mental health apps for young people: an evidence-free zone?


Natalie Nelissen from mHabitat publishes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review of mental health apps for young people, which highlights the current dearth of reliable research to support the efficacy and safety of mobile apps.

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Mindfulness in schools: what next?


Jennifer Hanratty summarises the recent Campbell review on mindfulness-based interventions for improving cognition, academic achievement, behaviour and socioemotional functioning in schools. She considers what school leaders, researchers and policy makers should do next, considering the current uncertainty around mindfulness in schools.

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School-based oral health education only has short term impact

The review found that adding family-based interventions to school-based interventions may reduce the onset of smoking by 4-25%.

This review of school-based oral health education included 12 trials and found it was effective in reducing plaque accumulation over a short period. there was no long-term evidence on the effectiveness.

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