child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Supervised toothbrushing for children and adolescents


Four studies were included in this review of supervised toothbrushing in children and adolescents. The evidence identified provides no conclusive evidence. However previous Cochrane reviews have suggested benefits on caries from supervised brushing.

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Brief behavioural therapy for children and adolescents with anxiety and depression


Mona Jones publishes her debut elf blog on a recent RCT of brief behavioural therapy for paediatric anxiety and depression in primary care.

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Orthodontic treatment for Class II division 2 malocclusion: No randomised trial evidence


This Cochrane review of orthodontic treatment for class II div 2 malocclusion updates the previous 2006 version. No RCTs or CCTs were identified so It is not possible to provide any evidence-based guidance to recommend or discourage any type of orthodontic treatment to correct Class II division 2 malocclusion in children.

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Fissure sealants: performance not affected by tooth characteristics

Fissure sealant

16 studies affect of were included in this review of tooth characteristics on sealant performance. With the exception of lower sealant failure rate on premolars sealants were not affected negatively by mouth side, jaw, or tooth type.

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Cleft lip and palate patients have higher caries experience


Twenty four studies were included in this review of caries status in children with cleft lip and palate. The findings suggest that caries experience in higher in children with cleft lip and palate in both primary and permanent dentition

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Orthodontic treatment duration: no shorter with customised orthodontic system

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This well conducted and reported trial compared customised orthodontic system against traditional methods. The customised system was not associated with any significant reduction in treatment duration, and the treatment outcomes were comparable with both systems.

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Silver diamine fluoride: 38% more effective than 12% in arresting caries


This randomised controlled trial compared 12 and 38 % silver diamine fluoride applied annually and bi-annually to kindergarten children. . 38% applied bi-annually was most effective providing a 9% additional benefit over an annual application.

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Motivational Interviewing for adolescent oral health

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This large well-conducted 3-arm cluster RCT compared motivational interviewing(MI) with prevailing health education. Both MI arms of the study were more effective in eliciting positive changes in adolescents’ oral health behaviours and preventing dental caries after 12 months.

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Is mental malaise the psychological equivalent of obesity?


Stan Kutcher reflects on a recently published briefing paper entitled: mental ill-health among children of the new century, which concluded that one in four 14 year old girls had self-reported “high symptoms of depression”.

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Malocclusion: Is it associated with duration of breastfeeding?


31 observational studies were included in this review of breastfeeding and malocclusion . This findings suggests that it may be protective against posterior crossbite and class II malocclusion. However as teh studies are largely retrospective the findings should be interpreted with caution.

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