child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART)

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15 RCTs were included in this Cochrane review of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) comparing with conventional treatment for managing dental caries lesions in the primary and permanent teeth provided low quality evidence that ART using H-GIC may have a higher risk of restoration failure in primary teeth.

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Can gamified cCBT prevent depression in secondary school students?

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Lisa Burscheidt summarises a school-based RCT of an online gamified cCBT intervention (SPARX-R) for preventing depression in final year secondary school students in Australia.

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Bullying in childhood and adolescence: we need to do better


Tamsin Ford publishes her debut elf blog on an annual research review by Louise Arseneault in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, which looks at the persistent and pervasive impact of being bullied in childhood and adolescence, and considers important implications for policy and practice.

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Depression in fathers affects children as much as depression in mothers


Jennifer Burgess writes her debut elf blog on evidence from two population-based cohorts of the association between depression in fathers and their adolescent children.

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Autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases associated with higher risk of eating disorders


Francesca Solmi appraises and summaries a recent population-based cohort study that explores the links between eating disorders and autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases.

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Powered toothbrushes for orthodontic patients


This review of powered toothbrushes for periodontal health in orthodontic patients included 9 small RCTs. A small statistically significant benefit was noted in short term use.

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Pain during orthodontic treatment –pharmacological treatments

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This Cochrane review of drug interventions for pain during orthodontic treatment including 32 RCTs find that analgesics were effective in reducing pain. However, low quality evidence did not show a difference in effectiveness between systemic NSAIDs compared with paracetamol, or topical NSAIDs compared with local anaesthetic.

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Family therapy for anorexia: can it create closeness and containment in parent-adolescent relationships?


Sarah McDonald blogs about a recent study that explores the effect of family-based treatment for anorexia on familial relationships.

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Bullying in childhood: cause or consequence of mental health problems? #AntiBullyingWeek

Educating children about early mental health difficulties and reducing stigma may help to reduce the risk of children with depressive symptoms or ADHD being bullied.

Stefan Brugger publishes his debut elf blog on a recent study, which looks at the role of vulnerability and resilience in relation to mental health and bullying in childhood.

Today marks the start of #AntiBullyingWeek, so look out for lots of activity around this theme on social media.

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