child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

QbTest is not a diagnostic tool, but it can increase the efficiency of ADHD diagnosis


Samuele Cortese is impressed by a recent RCT of QbTest: a computerised test of attention and activity, which can improve diagnostic decision-making in children and young people with suspected ADHD.

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Moderated online social therapy: relapse prevention for youth depression


Sarah Knowles looks at a next-generation social media-based relapse prevention intervention for youth depression, explored in an Australian qualitative study looking at social networking, safety and clinical benefit.

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Persistent and severe postnatal depression predicts adverse outcomes in children


Sophie Graham and Jennifer Burgess explore the associations between persistent and severe postnatal depression in mothers and mental health and educational outcomes in their offspring.

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Pulp treatments in primary teeth

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This Cochrane review of pulp treatments for primary teeth included 87 trials. Pulp treatments were generally successful with many trials having no clinical or radiological failure in either arm.
Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) may be the best medicament to apply after pulpotomy. For pulpectomy there was no conclusive evidence that one medicament or technique is superior to another.

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Resilience to depression: neural markers in adolescent at-risk females


Matthew Broome appraises a recent cohort study that looks at neural markers of resilience in young women at familial risk for major depressive disorder.

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Orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance had no impact on clinical attachment level

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This review of the impact of fixed appliance orthodontic treatment on clinical attachment levels included 9 small prospective studies finding no no clinically relevant detrimental effect. However the overall level of evidence is low to very low.

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Adolescent cannabis use increases risk of an adult psychotic diagnosis


Thomas Richardson looks at a recent prospective cohort study in the British Journal of Psychiatry on adolescent cannabis use, baseline prodromal symptoms and the risk of psychosis.

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Chemomechanical caries removal in primary teeth

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This review of the effectiveness of chemomechanical caries removal in primary teeth identified 15 studies with 10 contributing to the quantitative analysis. The findings suggest this approach is less painful but takes longer than traditional approaches.

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Family therapy for adolescent self-harm: SHIFT trial says it doesn’t reduce hospital visits and isn’t cost-effective


Udita Iyengar and Dennis Ougrin consider the findings of the SHIFT trial, which explored the effectiveness of systemic family therapy versus treatment as usual for young people after self-harm.

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