child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Fluoride toothpaste: Effects of different fluoride concentrations on caries


This Cochrane review of effectiveness of different fluoride concentrations of toothpaste in reducing dental caries updates the 2010 review and includes 96 RCTs. It provideds good evidence to support the benefits of using fluoride toothpaste in preventing caries and demonstrates a does response effect.

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Cognitive biases in adolescent depression: the more you have, the worse you feel


Maria Loades explores a cross-sectional study of the combined influence of cognitions in adolescent depression, which investigates biases of interpretation, self-evaluation and memory, and concludes that a negative evaluation of the self is strongly associated with depression severity and with a diagnosis of depression.

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Fluoride for white spot lesion prevention during orthodontic treatment

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This review of professional topical fluoride application to prevent/reverse enamel white spot lesions during orthdontic treatment included 11 RCTs suggesting a reduction of in incidence of between 25–30% .

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Alternatives to medication for children and young people with ADHD


Joff Jones summarises a recent systematic review, which looks at the evidence for a wide range of non-pharmacological treatments for ADHD. The review finds the strongest evidence for diet, child/parent training and behavioural interventions.

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Teenage depression linked to poor psychological and social outcomes in later life


Maria Loades writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis on the long-term psychosocial outcomes of teenage depression, which finds that depression as a youth is linked to poor academic outcomes, unemployment and problems with relationships in adult life.

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How many ways do they need to say it? Young autistic people need support for their mental health.

Autistic people with mental health needs are clear that they need specialised services and these can only be effective if people are properly trained in both mental health and autism.

Vaso Totsika’s blog considers a study by Crane and colleagues, which seeks to further our understanding of how young autistic people experience the world of service provision in relation to their mental health needs, and in particular at the time of transition from child to adult services.

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Dental general anaesthesia in children: Impacts on the family

This review suggests that children in kinship foster care may do better than those in traditional foster care, in terms of their behavioural development, mental health functioning, and placement stability

21 quality of life studies were included in this review of the family impacts following children’s dental treatment under general anaesthesia. The findings suggest a significant positive impact on parental emotions, activity, and conflict.

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How can we prevent depression in young adults?


Mental Health Masters Students from UCL explore a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions to prevent depression in young adults. The review finds some evidence for the effectiveness of preventative interventions in reducing depressive symptoms in young adults, but the evidence in this area remains weak.

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Cannabis use in the developing brain: evidence from a recent cross-sectional meta-analysis


Joe Barnby considers the findings of a recent meta-analysis of cross-sectional observational data, which explores the association of cannabis with cognitive functioning in adolescents and young adults.

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Aligners v fixed appliances for orthodontic treatment


8 mainly observational studies were included in this review of he effectiveness of clear aligners compared with fixed appliances for orthodontic treatment. The findings suggest no difference between to two approaches however the quality of the availabel evidence is low to very low.

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