child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Does breastfeeding increase Early Childhood Caries?

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Early childhood caries (ECC) is a common oral health problem, particularly in disadvantaged and developing populations. Its causes are multifaceted, including feeding practices like breastfeeding. The link between breastfeeding and ECC is unclear. Key findings No significant association was found between breastfeeding and the development of early childhood caries (ECC). Nighttime breastfeeding was associated with an [read the full story…]

What’s BESST for young people? Efficacy of CBT-informed workshops for stress management in older adolescents


Matthias Schwannauer explores the BESST cluster randomised controlled trial, which is out today in The Lancet Psychiatry. BESST stands for Brief Educational Workshops in Secondary Schools Trial.

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(Brain) sex matters


Paris Lalousis reviews a recent study that looks into the differences in brain connectivity between males and females, which suggests a potential sex-based divergence in the neurobiological underpinnings of psychiatric disorders.

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From mother to child: the role of racism and trauma in the intergenerational transmission of depression


Lisa Lloyd and Krupa Sheth summarise a study investigating the role of racism and trauma on the intergenerational transmission of depression between Black mothers and their children.

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Anti-inflammatory treatments for youth depression: promising but not yet implementable


Céline Wessa reports on a recent systematic review of pharmacological anti-inflammatory treatment in children and adolescents with depressive symptoms, which has some promising results.

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LGBTQ+ wellbeing inequalities in early to middle adolescence


In his debut blog, Filip Kaleta summarises findings from the #BeeWell study, which explored inequalities in adolescent wellbeing based on gender and sexual identity.

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Does motivational Interviewing improve oral health?

This review of motivational interviewing (MI) for the oral morbidities in adults included 7 randomised controlled trials. The findings focused on periodontal outcomes suggesting that MI has the potential to improve plaque and bleeding indicies.

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From parent to child: understanding the risk of anxiety in families affected by mood disorders

Close up faces in row, diverse women smile looking at camera, little cute girl, her adult mother, mature grandmother and old great-grandmother portraits. Multi-generational family, heredity, offspring

Aslihan Baser summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the risk for developing anxiety disorders in children whose parents experience mood disorders.

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Adverse childhood experiences increase the risk of juvenile reoffending


In Athena Chow’s debut blog, she summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and risk of juvenile reoffending.

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Unveiling the Hidden Struggles: Lived Experience, impact and coping amongst children of parents who use substances

Children should be seen and heard.

Introduction This paper, from Muir and colleagues (2023), details a systematic review exploring the lived experiences of children and young people whose parents use substances. We know from a wide range of research and policy, that parental drug and alcohol use has wide ranging impacts on young people throughout their lives, and this study, which includes the [read the full story…]