child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

FiCTION Trial: the cost effectiveness of dental caries management in primary teeth


THe FiCTION trial examied 3 strategies for the management of dental caries in primary teeth of children aged 3 to 7yrs in the UK This summarises the detailed cost-effectiveness element of that mult-centre RCT in primary care.

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Is reading for pleasure in childhood good for your health?

Although an association between reading for pleasure and healthy behaviours was identified, causation is still unclear.

Francesca Bentivegna summarises a recent study of the benefits of reading for pleasure in childhood, which finds an association 3 years later with consuming more fruit and being less exposed to both cigarette and alcohol use.

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Improving language development: read, play, discuss


Julia Badger critiques and summarises a recent randomised controlled trial testing the Let’s Talk intervention for improving children’s language development.

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Suicide clusters in young people: definition, epidemiology and prevention


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a recent literature review, which explores suicide clusters in young people (aged 25 or younger).

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Sugar-free chewing gum – does it reduce caries?


This review of the effect of sugar-free chewing gum(SFG) on dental caries included 12 studies 11 of which were RCTs. None of the included studies was at low risk of bias and ther findings suggest there is evidence to support the use of SFG in the control of dental caries in children.

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Caries prevention in children: The RECUR trial


This multi-centre RCTs of a single dental nurse delivered ‘talking’ intervention informed by motivational interviewing approaches was successful in reducing new caries experience in a group of high risk children at 2 years.

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Endodontic treatment for compromised first permanent molars.

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This review of the clinical success rates of endodontic therapies used on compromised first permanent molar teeth in a child aged 16 and under included 11 studies. While good success rates are suggested for pulpotomy the limited evidence means definative conclusions cannot be drawn.

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Caries management in children. The FiCTION trial

caries upper arch

The FiCTION trail compared 3 caries management strategies for dentinal caries in primary teeth finding no evidence of a difference between the approaches. This emphasises the importance of primary prevention of caries to avoid dental caries althogther.

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Gender non-conformity: novel study reveals increased risk of mental health problems in young people


Ben Janaway summarises a recent Canadian community-based study, which examines emotional and behavioural difficulties in children experiencing gender non-conformity.

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Computerised local anaesthesia in paediatric patients


This review ofwhether local computerised anaesthesia decreases the pain and disruptive behaviour in children when compared to conventional anaesthesia included 20 RCTs and suggested no diference between the two approaches.

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