child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Potassium iodide: Does it reduce silver diamine fluoride induced tooth staining?


This review of the effectiveness of potassium iodide (KI) in reducing staining after silver diamine fluoride use identified just 6 studies 5 of which were conducted in-vitro providing little clinically relevant evidence for the use of KI.

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Primary teeth: Efficacy of 3 caries removal strategies

caries upper arch

This review of the efficacy of 3 caries removal strategies (complete, selective and stepwise) in primary teeth included 8 RCTs suggesting a lower risk of pulp exposure with selective and stepwise approaches.

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Local anaesthetic for dental treatment: interventions to improve acceptance in children


Twenty six RCTs were included in this Cochrane systematic review of methods for the acceptance of local anaesthesia (LA) in children and adolescents during dental treatment. However the trials did not provide sufficient evidence to draw firm conclusions as to the best interventions

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Caries prevalence in preterm and low birth weight children


This review of the prevalence of dental caries in preschool children born preterm and/or with a low birth weight included 59 observational studies suggesting caries prevelence was similar to full term children of normal weight. However, the certainty of teh evidence was very low.

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A picture tells a thousand words, or does it? Photography and youth mental health


Laura Caven and Chris O’Sullivan summarise a recent qualitative study on young people’s experiences and perceptions of mental health and well-being through photography.

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FiCTION Trial: the cost effectiveness of dental caries management in primary teeth


THe FiCTION trial examied 3 strategies for the management of dental caries in primary teeth of children aged 3 to 7yrs in the UK This summarises the detailed cost-effectiveness element of that mult-centre RCT in primary care.

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Is reading for pleasure in childhood good for your health?

Although an association between reading for pleasure and healthy behaviours was identified, causation is still unclear.

Francesca Bentivegna summarises a recent study of the benefits of reading for pleasure in childhood, which finds an association 3 years later with consuming more fruit and being less exposed to both cigarette and alcohol use.

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Improving language development: read, play, discuss


Julia Badger critiques and summarises a recent randomised controlled trial testing the Let’s Talk intervention for improving children’s language development.

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Suicide clusters in young people: definition, epidemiology and prevention


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a recent literature review, which explores suicide clusters in young people (aged 25 or younger).

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Sugar-free chewing gum – does it reduce caries?


This review of the effect of sugar-free chewing gum(SFG) on dental caries included 12 studies 11 of which were RCTs. None of the included studies was at low risk of bias and ther findings suggest there is evidence to support the use of SFG in the control of dental caries in children.

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