child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Root resorption: incidence after different types of traumatic dental injury


This review of assess the incidence of different types of root resorption after concussion, subluxation, lateral luxation, intrusive luxation, and extrusive luxation included 14 observational studies. Findings suggest that resorption is most common following intrusive luxation.

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Risk and protective factors for childhood suicide: thoughts, plans and behaviours


In her debut blog, Ellen Townsend summarises a cohort study that explores the risk and protective factors for childhood suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

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Global pandemic: how do teenagers and families feel?


Dafni Katsampa reflects on a new piece of qualitative research led by a 15 year old researcher, which focuses on teenagers’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and presents a set of recommendations for parents and families that cover mental wellbeing, the importance of routine, exercise and screen time.

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Promoting parental supervised toothbrushing practices


This review of interventions promoting parental supervised toothbrushing practices to reduce caries in children under 8 years included 42 studies. Few of the interventions were underpinned by theory and methodological rigour in their development and evaluation so future interventions need to be guided by complex intervention methodology.

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Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation: Bonding to Adhesive Materials

HSPM  Molar-Incisor hypomineralisation

Manas Dave in his debut blog for the Dental Elf looks at a review on bonding of adhesive materials to molar-incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) affected enamel. 10 studies were included only 4 of which were clinical so the findings need to be interpreted cautiously.

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Developmental enamel defects – are they related to preterm birth?


This review of the possible association between preterm birth and developmental defects of enamel (DDE) included 20 observational studies and suggest an increased risk of DDE in preterm children.

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Dental erosion in adolescents


This review of the effects of dietary acids and habits on dental erosion in the permanent dentition of 10- to 19-year-old adolescents included 52 observational studies. While the findings suggest some risk factors may contribute to dental erosion more high quality prospective studies are needed.

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Play in the pandemic


Helen Dodd summarises a recent rapid review of the impact of quarantine and restricted environments on children’s play and health outcomes.

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Targeted school-based interventions for adolescents with depression and anxiety


Rachel Symons summarises a practitioner review looking at the effectiveness of indicated school‐based interventions for adolescents, which finds a positive impact on both depression and anxiety, but little evidence of long-term benefit.

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#EmergingMinds webinars: supporting children and young people through the COVID-19 pandemic

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André Tomlin presents the recent series of #EmergingMinds webinars on how we can best support the mental health of children and young people during the coronavirus pandemic. These free online events brought together experts in the field to answer the questions of parents, carers, practitioners and educators.

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