child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Talking about self-harm and suicide in primary care: the views of young people


In her debut blog, Jo Lockwood summarises a qualitative paper which finds that young people want GPs to initiate conversations about self-harm and suicide in primary care.

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Suicide in children and young people can happen without warning


Shirley Reynolds reviews a records study which finds that around one third of children and young people who die by suicide have no explicit prior risk.

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What problems do primary school children bring to counselling?


Julia Badger summarises a study which found that primary aged school children had different reasons for attending counselling to secondary school children.

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Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART)- factors affecting success rate

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This review of the factors that affect the success rate of atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) restorations in children included 47 studies. THe findings suggest that the operator and and type of restoration are significant factors influencing the success.

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Hearing voices: experiences of children and young people #CAMHScampfire


Hearing voices is common in young people. In this #CAMHScampfire blog, Douglas Badenoch looks at a new qualitative study of the experiences of people aged 13-18 who hear voices but who do not have any clinical diagnosis.

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A matter of trust: helping adolescents open up about their trauma


Will Koehler summarises a ‘netnographic’ study which provides a clarion call to those working within trauma-treatment systems to examine their practices with young people from a multi-system perspective.

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Are clinicians’ attitudes to technology stopping children and adolescents from accessing mental health care?


In her debut blog, Lindsay Dewa explores a mixed-methods survey, which found that clinicians’ attitudes to technology may stop young people from accessing mental health care.

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Parental involvement in CBT for anxiety disorders: a help or a hindrance?


Lucy Purnell summarises a recent systematic review which finds little support for parental involvement in cognitive behavioural therapy for adolescent anxiety disorders.

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Psychological decentering: seeing the bigger picture #ActiveIngredientsMH


Marc Bennett appraises a recent meta analysis on regulating emotion through distancing, and goes on to present his own Wellcome Trust funded research on psychological decentering to prevent and treat anxiety or depression in young people.

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Can we predict how people will adjust after victimisation? Progress towards an individualised risk calculator for psychopathology


In her debut blog, Jessica Armitage reviews a recent cohort study, which suggests that it may be possible to predict risk of psychopathology in victimised children.

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