child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Trans pathways: mental health care for transgender and gender diverse young people in Australia


Talen Wright reviews a recent paper on the Trans Pathways study, which looks at mental health care for transgender and gender diverse young people in Australia.

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“I can’t trust anyone”: the role of cognitive processes in PTSD symptoms in young people in care #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch summarises a longitudinal study of cognitive predictors of (complex) post-traumatic stress in young people in out-of-home care.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm BST on Monday 29th March for an online journal club discussing this paper.

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Inflammation and depression in young people #ActiveIngredientsMH


Yara Toenders and Lianne Schmaal consider the links between inflammatory dysregulation and depression in young people, by reviewing a recent study carried out by researchers in the US, and also by presenting the results of their own recent #ActiveIngredientsMH review, which was funded by the Wellcome Trust.

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Oral hygiene compliance in orthodontic patients

The authors recommended that people with severe mental illness should be given help with oral hygiene.

This review of the effectiveness of behavioural change techniques (BCTs) on individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment included 10 studies involving 1017 patients. While the interventions tested improved oral health behaviours the quality of the evidence is very low.

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Not all wealth is health: how does parental wealth affect children’s cognitive ability, mental and physical health?


Vishal Bhavsar reviews a cohort study which finds that greater parental housing wealth was associated with fewer emotional and behavioural problems in children.

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Can brain scans help reduce the guilt and shame associated with adolescent self-harm?

Teenage girl depression - lost love - isolated on white background

Rachel Symons summarises a recent study, which shows that poor connectivity between brain regions may be an indicator of non-suicidal self-injury in young people.

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Blue Whale Challenge and suicide contagion


Holly Crudgington reviews a qualitative study that examines the self-harm and suicide contagion effects of the Blue Whale Challenge on YouTube and Twitter.

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Young offenders with developmental language disorder were twice as likely to reoffend after 12 months


Douglas Badenoch summarises a prospective cohort study, which looked at whether a developmental language disorder in first time young offenders is associated with a higher rate of reoffending, independently from other known causes.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm GMT on Monday 1st March for an online journal club discussing this paper.

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Vibration devices: Do they reduce pain linked to dental injections in children?

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This review evaluating the effect of vibration devices on paediatric dental injection pain reduction identified 6 RCTs. The findings suggest that the use of the DentalVibe was not effective but the evidence ws of low quality.

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Music therapy for autistic children: playing better than listening?


Hilary Shepherd summarises a recent randomised controlled trial comparing music therapy to music listening for children with autism spectrum disorder.

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