child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

“Tell Me Your Story”: using Narrative Exposure Therapy to help youth with PTSD


Will Koehler explores a case study which provides very early evidence that adapted narrative exposure therapy may be helpful in treating PTSD in adolescents.

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Joining the dots: how can we support all young people to seek help for their mental health problems?


In her debut blog, Vanessa Bennett looks at a systematic review which examines barriers, facilitators and interventions for help-seeking in adolescents, and describes her Emerging Minds placement on characterising peer-support via the Childline online message-boards.

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Hospital presentations for self-harm: a window of opportunity to prevent or treat psychosis and bipolar disorder

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Alison Clarke and Jo Robinson review a Finnish cohort study which suggests that hospital presentations for self-harm represent a clear opportunity for the identification and subsequent treatment of psychosis and bipolar disorder.

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Neurodevelopmental conditions and mental health research: it’s time to #EmbraceComplexity!


In her debut blog, Suzi Sapiets summarises a review exploring psychological treatment of depression in young people with neurodevelopmental conditions, which finds very limited evidence to help neurodiverse individuals. She also tells us that it’s time to #EmbraceComplexity and encourages people to join the Embracing Complexity Research Network.

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COVID-19 impact on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families and professionals supporting them


A group of MSc students from UCL provide an empirical summary of the evidence exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with intellectual disabilities, their families and the mental health professionals supporting them.

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Parenting in the smartphone age: there may be technoference on the picture #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch helps us prepare for another CAMHS Around the Campfire session by tuning into the real effect of smartphone use on parenting; a multiverse analysis carried out by Kathryn L. Modecki and colleagues from Griffith University in Queensland, Australia.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 9.30am BST on Wednesday 23rd June for an online journal club discussing this paper. Or sign up now to join the free webinar hosted by ACAMH.

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Early childhood caries: Global prevalence


The 2019 Bangkok Declaration defined early childhood caries (ECC) as the presence of a primary tooth with one or more carious (non-cavitated or cavitated lesions), missing (due to caries), or filled surfaces in a child under the age of six years. While dental caries is a preventable chronic health problem it remains a significant public [read the full story…]

How common is mental illness in children aged 1-7 years old?


Jennifer Lau and Meenakshi Shukla explore a recent meta-analysis which finds that worldwide, 1 in 5 children aged 1-7 years old will experience a mental health condition.

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Online sharing of self-harm–related images amongst young people: a cause for concern?


In her debut blog, Prianka Padmanathan summarises a recent systematic review on the impact of online sharing and viewing of self-harm–related videos and photographs among young people.

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Parents and carers of children with an intellectual disability: what do we know about their wellbeing?


Charlie Lynch and Derek Tracy review a study on childhood intellectual disability and parents’ wellbeing, which integrates social, psychological and genetic influences.

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