child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

School connectedness, anxiety and depression: recent evidence and young people’s perspectives #ActiveIngredientsMH


In their debut blog, Monika Raniti and Divyangana Rakesh explore the relationship between school connectedness, anxiety and depression in young people.

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Sealants for primary molar teeth


This Cochrane review of the effects of sealants compared to no sealant or a different sealant in preventing pit and fissure caries on the occlusal surfaces of primary molars in children. Nine small RCTs were included providing limited evidence of low to very low certainty.

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One size fits all: could transdiagnostic therapy treat mild anxiety and depression in preadolescents?


Charlotte Huggett and Ian McGeoghegan blog about a case study, which looks at unifying treatment for mild anxiety and depression in preadolescence.

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Does targeting attention and interpretation patterns reduce symptoms of youth anxiety and depression? #ActiveIngredientsMH

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Alice Potter summarises a Wellcome Trust funded active ingredients review, which looks at how promoting helpful attention and interpretation patterns may reduce anxiety and depression in young people.

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Psychological interventions for youth depression and anxiety can improve emotion regulation skills #ActiveIngredientsMH


In her debut blog, Ariadna Albajara Saenz summarises a recent active ingredients review, which finds that psychological interventions for youth anxiety & depression can improve emotion regulation skills.

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What impact do secondary schools have on the mental health of young people?


In his debut blog, Chris Fielding reviews a study which uses baseline data from the MYRIAD study, and concludes that the “direct influence of schools on mental health seems to be small”.

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The experiences of young LGBTQ+ people self-managing their mental health


Natalie Kashirsky critiques a recent qualitative study which looks at LGBTQ+ young people’s experiences and perceptions of self-managing their mental health.

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Remote measurement technologies for depression in young people: scalable solution or overplayed potential? #ActiveIngredientsMH

Young African American man pointing his  smartphone screen - Black teenager people

In her debut blog, Annabel Walsh summarises her #ActiveIngredientsMH project which explored the use of remote measurement technologies for depression in children and young people.

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Psychoeducation for perinatal depression and anxiety in young people #ActiveIngredientsMH


In their debut blog, Wezi Mhango & Darya Gaysina explore psychoeducation as an active ingredient that might help young people who are affected by perinatal anxiety or depression.

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Do experiences of loneliness differ across the lifespan?


Gemma Wilson-Menzfeld and Alison Osborne review a nationally representative US survey which finds that loneliness affects people of all ages; particularly young adults, people in middle age, and also very old age.

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