child and adolescent

Birth – 18 years.

Our child and adolescent Blogs

Psychotherapy experiences of young people in foster care: suggestions for practice


In her debut blog, Charlotte Kitchen reviews a small qualitative study from Ireland, which explores how young people in foster care feel about psychotherapy.

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Stressed mums and depressed young ones: does parenting play a moderating role?


In her debut blog, Svenja Geissler reviews a Norwegian cohort study, which suggests that different parenting styles can strengthen or weaken the link between prenatal stress in mothers and depression or anxiety in their offspring.

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Adolescent depression is not the same as adult depression: new systematic review focuses on adolescents’ lived experiences

How are we currently supporting adolescents presenting with depression in clinical practice? Are we tailoring our approach, or are we treating them like mini adults?

Nina Higson-Sweeney reflects on the findings of a recent systematic review looking at the lived experience of adolescent depression, which has important implications for anyone supporting young people at risk of depression.

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Physical activity can help anxious young people, but can it treat youth anxiety?


In her debut blog, Francesca Zecchinato explores a recent systematic review which finds that physical activity may help address anxiety symptoms in children and young people, but more research is needed to confirm it is a safe and effective treatment for anxiety disorders.

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Youth trauma narratives: a thematic analysis of meaning-making during trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TF-CBT)


In her debut blog, Georgina Thompson explores a qualitative study of how young people create meaning of their experiences during trauma narration, when receiving trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy.

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Does animal-assisted therapy help reduce dental anxiety?


In this blog Rebecca Manson considers a systematic review assessing whether the use of animal-assisted therapy helps reduce anxiety during dental care in children and adolescents.

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Can social recovery therapy improve social disability in young people?


In her debut blog, Jude Madani summarises the findings of the PRODIGY trial, which looked at the clinical and cost-effectiveness of social recovery therapy for the prevention and treatment of long-term social disability among young people with emerging severe mental illness.

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1 in 5 pre-school aged children develop PTSD symptoms following trauma exposure. Why are we still neglecting these children?

Shy boy

In her debut blog, Mira Vasileva summarises a systematic review which suggests that the pooled prevalence of PTSD in pre-school children who have been exposed to trauma was 21.5%.

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Trans and gender diverse youth more likely to be admitted to hospital for suicidality and self-harm, according to US study


Sarah Carr reflects on a recent US study that “perhaps tells us something deeper about the discrimination and stigmatisation in mental health that needs to be tackled.”

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Top Dental Elf blogs Apr – Jun 2022

Cherry Blossom

Traumatic dental injuries, hypomineraised primary molars and links between iron-deficiency and early childhood caries were the topics of our most read blogs in April , May and June of 2022.

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