Stress associated with working to support people with learning disabilities has been reported as a factor in staff burnout. This review of literature aimed to investigate whether there was a relationship between organisational climate and staff burnout.
The search identified 21 articles which were included in the review. These were separated into two categories. The first group of studies were from earlier periods and not surprisngly focused on issues relating to on deinstitutionalisation. Later studies reported findings in relation to work-stress theories, including ‘person–environment fit’ and demand control.
The authors conclude from the studies they reviewed that organisational climates which have a better ‘person–environment’ fit promote greater job satisfaction and reduced burnout.
They make recommendations for future research which they believe should focus on social or therapeutic aspects of the environment within services.
Does organizational climate impact upon burnout in staff who work with people with intellectual disabilities? A systematic review of the literature, Thompson L and Rose J, in Journal of Intellectual Disabilities September 2011 vol. 15 no. 3 177-193