Results: 100

For: black and minority ethnic

Will increased medication adherence, even if ‘coproduced’, solve the problem of ethnic inequalities and injustices in BAME communities?


Diana Rose takes issue with a training programme for mental health professionals that aims to increase medication adherence in BAME Service Users.

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Global mental health and its implicit priorities


Tessa Roberts writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review of the term ‘global mental health’, which seeks to determine the implicit priorities of scientific literature that self-identifies with this term.

Follow #PsychosisGlobal today for a live expert discussion from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN).

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Referrals to mental health services: understanding ethnic differences


A group of UCL Masters Students summarise a recent paper on ethnic differences in referral routes to child and adolescent mental health services.

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Racial disparities in bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment: time to talk about racism


Syeda Akther writes her debut elf blog on a recent review looking at racial disparities in bipolar disorder treatment and research. She argues that we need to start having serious conversations about racism that go beyond unconscious bias.

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Compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act: significantly more likely if you come from a BAME or migrant group


Ian Cummins explores a recent international systematic review and meta-analysis, which highlights ethnic variations in compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act.

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The impact of racism on mental health


Alison Faulkner considers a recent report on racism and mental health by the Synergi Collaborative Centre, which covers the impact of interpersonal racism, the multidimensional nature of disadvantage, structural disadvantage and mental illness, and pathways to mental health care.

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Police killings and the mental health of black Americans


Ian Cummins provides the context and perspective to consider the implications of a population-based, quasi-experimental study of police killings and their spillover effects on the mental health of black Americans.

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Identifying cultural issues in diagnostic assessment: the Cultural Formulation Interview


Clarissa Giebel considers the feasibility, acceptability and clinical utility of the Cultural Formulation Interview; a tool designed to remove barriers to effective diagnosis for people from black and minority ethnic groups.

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Extremism and mental health: is there a link?


Vishal Bhavsar considers the findings of a cross sectional survey of over 3,500 men, which measured the prevalence of extremist attitudes in the general population and any associations with mental illness.

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Mental health of prisoners: have we reached a state of crisis?


Ian Cummins highlights the increased risk of all-cause mortality, suicide, self-harm, violence and victimisation in prisoners. He welcomes a recent review of reviews which contains clinical, policy and research recommendations.

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