Humma Andleeb reviews a qualitative paper on deconstructing Whiteness in Clinical Psychology and how White female clinical psychologists perceive whiteness in the profession.
[read the full story...]Humma Andleeb reviews a qualitative paper on deconstructing Whiteness in Clinical Psychology and how White female clinical psychologists perceive whiteness in the profession.
[read the full story...]Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou consider the findings of a recent qualitative study which looks at the differences experienced by Black Caribbean and White British people trying to access care for psychosis.
[read the full story...]Maisha Kroll reviews a recent qualitative study exploring the help-seeking views relating to depression among older Black Caribbean adults living in the UK.
[read the full story...]Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou appraise a cross-sectional study looking at the impact that racial discrimination experienced by multiracial people can have on their mental wellbeing.
[read the full story...]Liesbeth Tip, Jingni Ma and Christina McClure review a recent cross-sectional study exploring vicarious racism, vigilance and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. They present their own personal accounts of racist attacks, their reflections about the usefulness of bystander interventions, and their determination to work together to help people feel safer and more included in society.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Natasha Chilman blogs about a Swedish cohort study of 1.3 million people, which finds that migrants with first episode psychosis are more likely to receive inpatient care.
[read the full story...]Bibire Baykeens reviews a general population cohort study which suggests that recent migrants are less likely to use the Improving Access to Psychological Treatment programme.
[read the full story...]Zuva Dengu reviews a German cross-sectional representative study exploring the psychological distress of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Eritrea and other countries, which focuses on the individual and contextual risk factors and potential consequences for integration of refugees into German society.
[read the full story...]Sadhbh Byrne summarises a timely scoping review on mental health interventions for immigrant and refugee children and youth living in Canada.
[read the full story...]Harmony Jiang reviews a study exploring the representation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in memory services in Leicester and Leicestershire.
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