Results: 100

For: black and minority ethnic

Restorative reciprocity in mental health research: Researcher in Residence – Shuranjeet Singh


Mental Elf Researcher in Residence, Shuranjeet Singh, shares his experiences of power and exploitation in mental health research, and presents restorative reciprocity as a framework for confronting and responding to these historic and ongoing issues.

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Preventing suicide is everybody’s business: a global perspective #LancetSuicideSeminar


Ravivarma Rao Panirselvam summarises the recently published Lancet Seminar on Suicide and Self-Harm, and highlights the free webinar due too take place on Monday 4th July 2022.

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Suicide rates in ethnic minorities and indigenous people


In her debut blog, Lucy Barrass examines a systematic review which finds high variation in risk and rate of suicide in indigenous and ethnic minority populations.

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Culturally responsive practices for supporting refugee adolescents’ acculturation through schools


Sadhbh Byrne reviews a qualitative study exploring the role of culturally responsive social and emotional learning in supporting the inclusion and belonging of refugee children and young people.

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Contemplating compassion in mental health research: Researcher in Residence – Shuranjeet Singh


Shuranjeet Singh is our new Mental Elf Researcher in Residence. In this blog he explores the role that compassion has to play in the future of mental health research.

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Suicide in women: laws that discriminate against women may explain higher rates in low and middle income countries


Grace Crowley summarises a study which suggests that policy makers working to reduce women’s suicide in low- and middle-income countries should target laws discriminating against women.

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Unique multiracial identities may serve as a protective or risk factor for eating disorders


Andie Ashdown blogs about a US survey study which finds that some multiracial identities may serve as a protective factor against eating disorder psychopathology, whereas other multiracial identities may point to an increased risk.

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Indigenous people living with psychosis in Australia: a novel example of clinical research and implications for population health


Shuichi Suetani and Leshay Chong summarise a study exploring multimorbidity and vulnerability among those living with psychosis in Indigenous populations in Australia.

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Researcher in Residence: Shuranjeet Singh – Introductions and Motivations


Shuranjeet Singh is our new Mental Elf Researcher in Residence. Over the coming months, he will be blogging about his PhD journey, exploring how power operates in patient and public involvement.

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How can we culturally adapt eating disorders services to provide better care for people from racial and ethnic minorities?


Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou consider a systematic review from the US, which looks at some of the ways that we can culturally adapt eating disorders treatment for adults from racial or ethnic minorities.

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