Results: 247

For: Other health conditions

Psychosis and physical health: listening to patients and family carers


Shuichi Suetani and Sharon Lawn explore a recent viewpoint article on physical health problems in psychosis, which asks: Is it time to consider the views of family carers?

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Oral Cancer: Elective or therapeutic neck dissection?


This review of neck dissection (END) in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and clinically N0 neck included 6 studies suggesting fewer recurrences with END, but the evidence of very low quality.

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Physical activity participation in severe mental illness: one step closer? #ClosingTheGapSMI


Suzan Hassan writes her debut elf blog on a recent research paper that highlights the factors associated with regular physical activity participation among people with severe mental illness.

Today sees the launch of the new Closing The Gap Network in York. Follow #ClosingTheGapSMI on Twitter for live updates throughout the day.

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Transforming mental health throughout the life course #MQScienceMeeting 2019

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André Tomlin sets the scene for the 2019 #MQScienceMeeting which brings together researchers across different disciplines to explore cutting-edge new ways to understand, treat and prevent mental illness.

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Lifestyle training for schizophrenia: STEPWISE fails to make a difference


Ben Janaway writes his debut elf blog on the STEPWISE RCT which is out today in the British Journal of Psychiatry: Structured lifestyle education for people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and first-episode psychosis.

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Mandibular advancement devices in obstructive sleep apnoea: side effects


21 studies mainly retrospective studies were included in this review of the dental and skeletal effects of mandibular advancement devices in treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea. while the findings suggest a number of potential side effects the quality of the available evidence in low.

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Social work and acquired brain injury: could this be the start of something new?

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Mark Holloway considers a scoping review of the social work‐generated evidence base on people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) of working age.

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Improving antidepressant outcomes: what works for whom and why?


Thalia Eley and Gerome Breen explore a new systematic meta-review of predictors of antidepressant treatment outcome in depression, which looks at clinical and demographic variables, but also biomarkers including both genetic and neuroimaging data.

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Physical health inequalities in primary care


Andy Bell from Centre for Mental Health and the Equally Well UK collaborative, calls for action in response to the Public Health England briefing on severe mental illness and physical health inequalities.

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Collaborative care for depression and physical multimorbidity: clinically and cost-effective over the long term


Gemma Shields summarises the findings of a cluster RCT looking at the long-term clinical and cost-effectiveness of collaborative care (versus usual care) for people with mental-physical multimorbidity.

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