Results: 247

For: Other health conditions

The caring dyad: how patients and their informal carers experience severe mental illness and cardiometabolic disease


Lydia Poole considers the caring dyad (the relationship experience of the patient and their informal carer) and the realities of living with cardiometabolic risk, metabolic syndrome and severe mental illness.

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ICU survivors at increased risk of suicide and self-harm after discharge

Hands holding yellow gold ribbon over blue sky, Sarcoma Awareness, Bone cancer, childhood cancer awareness, September yellow, World Suicide Prevention Day, endometriosis day concept

Charlotte Huggett reviews a recent Canadian population-based cohort study, which examines rates of suicide and self-harm in adult survivors of critical illness.

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A long-term physical health condition changes everything: therapeutic responses to psychological distress must change too #BABCP2022


Dona Matthews reviews a paper on an evidence-based theory of psychological adjustment to long-term physical health conditions and applications in clinical practice, which will be presented at the #BABCP2022 conference in London later this week.

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HIV stigma and depression: new systematic review of people in South Africa

LANGA TOWNSHIP, SOUTH AFRICA - JULY 12, 2015 - A young girl poses for a photograph at her home in Langa, South Africa, a township located on the outskirts of Cape Town.

Rudo Dude summarises a systematic review which examines the links between HIV stigma and depression among people living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

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How to improve oral health in people with severe mental illness #MindYourSmile

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Easter Joury summarises a recent systematic review on improving oral health in people with severe mental illness.

We are having a tweet chat at 8-9pm BST on Monday 11th July to discuss how best to support oral health in people with severe mental illness. You can join in by following the #MindYourSmile hashtag on Twitter.

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Antibiotics to prevent bacterial endocarditis following dental procedures

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This Cochrane review update of antibiotic prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures in people at risk or at high risk of bacterial endocarditis included one case-controlled study. Consequently, there is no clear evidence about whether antibiotic prophylaxis is effective or ineffective against bacterial endocarditis in at-risk people who are about to undergo an invasive dental procedure.

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Indigenous people living with psychosis in Australia: a novel example of clinical research and implications for population health


Shuichi Suetani and Leshay Chong summarise a study exploring multimorbidity and vulnerability among those living with psychosis in Indigenous populations in Australia.

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Metastatic lesions in the oral and maxillofacial region

Patients with cancer and comorbid depression have worse anxiety, pain, fatigue, and functioning than do other patients with cancer.

This review of metastatic neoplasms in the oral cavity included 217 observational studies from 33 countries. The 348 cases identified arose from 29 primary sites the most common being lung (21%) and breast (12%).

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Metacognitive therapy for depressive symptoms in cardiac patients: new findings from the PATHWAY trial


Lydia Poole reviews a recent randomised controlled trial evaluating group metacognitive therapy for depression and anxiety in cardiac patients.

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