Results: 247

For: Other health conditions

Treatment for depression in traumatic brain injury: Cochrane find no evidence for non-pharmacological interventions


Eleanor Kennedy summarises a recent Cochrane systematic review, which finds no evidence to support the use of non-pharmacological interventions for depression in traumatic brain injury.

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Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation in severe mental illness


Andrew Jones reports on a recent systematic review and network meta-analysis of the efficacy and tolerability of pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation in severe mental illness, which finds a promising but low quality result for bupropion and varenicline.

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Searching for solutions: a new brief intervention for comorbid substance misuse in acute psychiatric inpatients


Ian Hamilton presents the findings of a recent pilot randomised trial of a brief intervention for comorbid substance misuse in psychiatric inpatient settings.

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Smoking cessation interventions for head and neck cancer patients

Crushing cigarette packet

This review of smoking cessation for patients with head and neck cancer included 8 studies ( 3 RCTs) and suggests that those receiving counseling had a 26% higher quit rate than with controls

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Personality disorders, IAPT treatment and recovery from depression and anxiety


Mark Smith reviews a recent prospective cohort study, which considers the impact of comorbid personality problems on response to IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) treatment for depression and anxiety.

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Is it bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder?


Murtada Alsaif considers the challenges facing psychiatrists in diagnosing bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder. He reports on a recent qualitative study that explores the practical experience of psychiatrists and nurses and concludes that clinical diagnostic practice cannot reliably distinguish the two conditions.

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Will it hurt? Chronic pain and psychological functioning


Kirsten Lawson examines a recent meta-analysis of psychological functioning in people living with chronic pain. She discovers that anxiety is more common than depression in people with chronic pain and that practitioners should prioritise psychological functioning when caring for patients suffering from chronic pain.

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High frequency or prolonged use of mouthwash increased risk of head and neck cancer


This study from the INHANCE collaboration pooled data from 12 case-controlled studies. Long-term use (35 yrs) of mouthwash was associated with an increase risk OR=1.15 (95%CI; 1.01 to 1.30) of head and neck cancer but with regular (>2 x daily), long-term (>35 years) use OR = 1.75 (95%CI; 1.25 to 2.48).

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Coffee consumption and oral cancer

Prescribing a placebo does not equate to no treatment, because the healthcare setting itself should include all kinds of supportive and therapeutic elements.

This review includes 11 case-controlled and 4 cohort studies and suggests a 37% reduction of oral cancer risk in high coffee drinkers compared with low or no coffee drinkers OR= 0.63 (95%CI; 0.52 – 0.75)

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Tobacco use and alcohol intake key risk factors for head and neck cancer

shutterstock_60202486 teenager smoking and drinking alcohol

The International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium is a collaboration of research groups leading large epidemiology studies to improve the understanding of the causes and mechanisms of head and neck cancer. This overview paper provides a summary their findings over the past decade.

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