We are delighted to announce today a new partnership between the Musculoskeletal Elf and the Primary Care Rheumatology (PCR) Society.
Our GP colleagues from the PCR Society will be contributing blogs in a number of areas over the coming weeks and months. As you can see, they bring a host of expertise and experience:
- Dr Adrian Dunbar: Back pain, chronic pain and fibromyalgia
- Dr Christine Haseler: Osteoarthritis and chronic pain syndromes, steroid injections, physical activity and impact in sport and movement at all ages
- Dr Michael Horsfield: Gout and crystal arthropathies, general rheumatology, back pain, physical activity/obesity/metabolic disorders, general MSK with specific interest in tri-athelete sports
- Dr Tom Rowley: General MSK and orthopaedics; especially shoulder/upper limb, neck/back pain, injections, sports injuries
- Dr Jean Wong: Spine, shoulder, sports injuries, sports physiology, obesity and physical activity
About the Primary Care Rheumatology Society
The PCR Society was created in 1986 by a group of General Practitioners with a special interest in musculoskeletal medicine and rheumatology. Their objectives are to:
- Improve knowledge & education of musculoskeletal & rheumatology disorders in primary care
- Improve & maintain standards of care provided for patients
- Develop educational standards for providers in musculoskeletal medicine & rheumatology
- Work to build partnerships with other providers of musculoskeletal & rheumatology care
- Undertake research
The PCR is recognised as an important source of advice, education, ideas and initiatives in musculoskeletal medicine and rheumatology in primary care. The PCR works with both patient and professional groups in this field. The PCR is regularly asked to contribute to NICE guideline and technology submissions.
The Society runs an annual, friendly conference each November aimed at all GPs, including specific sessions for GP Trainees. There are also additional educational events throughout the year.
You can find out more on the PCR Society website.
Do you want to follow in their footsteps?
We elves are a friendly bunch and we welcome opportunities to work with like-minded people, groups and organisations. Please drop us a line if you want to get in touch and find out more about becoming a partner.
If you think you have an elf inside, fighting to get out, please download our introduction to getting more involved with the Musculoskeletal Elf (PDF) and drop us a line to introduce yourself.
@MSK_Elf @pcrsociety great news!
Partnership with the (Primary Care Rheumatology) PCR Society https://t.co/CmVg4iHzZX via @sharethis
Partnership with the (Primary Care Rheumatology) PCR Society https://t.co/4oK3XetOPL https://t.co/wgPU0nR6jU
Look out! GPs become elves next week, as colleagues from the @pcrsociety starting blogging the MSK evidence https://t.co/jpCCUEa2pJ
Look out! GPs become elves next week, as colleagues from the @pcrsociety starting blogging the MSK evidence https://t.co/MrdzO9QqVH
RT @MSK_Elf: Read about our work with GP colleagues from the @pcrsociety https://t.co/MrdzO9QqVH #PrimaryCare #Rheumatology
[…] [This is the first MSK Elf blog from colleagues at the Primary Care Rheumatology Society, who will be contributing more to the website in future. We warmly welcome Tom, Mike, Jean, Christine, Adrian and colleagues to the woodland! You can read more about our partnership here.] […]