Today is 14th February and it’s Valentine’s day so we thought that we would encourage you to share the love. Love the Musculoskeletal Elf and also join with us and The International Osteoporosis Foundation in loving your bones too.
Love Your Bones is the global symbol for bone health that unites people in the fight against osteoporosis. Love Your Bones originated with the 2011 World Osteoporosis Day campaign and has been used ever since to empower people to take charge of their bone health.
When you engage with Love Your Bones, you are making noise to let the world know that you are joining the global bone health movement and are committed to spreading the message on the prevention and control of osteoporosis; a silent disease that can cause debilitation and lead to loss of independence or early death.
Share the love – love your bones http://t.co/ZGBGd5D0YG
“Share the love – love your bones” http://t.co/7iBemxqFVg
Hey Valentine Share the love – love your bones http://t.co/GRwuBVdWZk @OsteoporosisSoc @Iofbonehealth
Valentine’s are share the love – love your bones http://t.co/N1kPo29sF2 @osteolink @nOsteoporosis
Sharing the love on Valentine’s day- love your bones http://t.co/GRwuBVdWZk @arthritis_care @arthritisFdn
Hey Valentine Share the love – love your bones http://t.co/N1kPo29sF2 @theCSP @Physiowizz @PTHSN @PTThinkTank
It’s Valentine’s day Share the love – love your bones http://t.co/GRwuBVdWZk @CochranConsumer @CochraneMSK @CochraneBack @UKCochraneCentr